Father experienced a SHOCK when he checked his son’s homework


SERBIAN LANGUAGE WORKSHOP SCANDAL: Father experienced a SHOCK when he checked his son's homework

Photo: Printscreen / Facebook

A father was unpleasantly surprised when he set out to review his son’s homework.

He received his homework in Serbian language and literature and attends the third grade of primary school.

When his father opened the page of the workbook that accompanies the textbook, he found something that he couldn’t believe with his own eyes.

“I took it upon myself to review my son’s homework in Serbian. In the workbook that comes with the Serbian language and literature textbook for third grade, I just found out that I had been wrong all my life. , In my time, Norway was here … ‍PS Radna Notebook printed with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia on February 11, 2020! “wrote the surprised father.

photo: Printscreen / Facebook

His comment provoked many reactions.

photo: Google Maps print screen

“Tungusia or Zanzibar are probably on Mars,” wrote a Facebook user in the comments below the shocked father’s post.

“Who knows, we may be in the Apennine Peninsula without even knowing it,” wrote another.

“It’s good that the editors didn’t write Sweden.”


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Author: delivery courier
