SO (28) from Bor, was arrested on suspicion of stabbing her unmarried husband Denis D. (30) in the chest, in a house on Karađorđeva street in Bor. According to unofficial information, the incident between the spouses broke out on Saturday night after they had been drinking together before.
“She and he drank some more that day, so the harmless fight turned into a serious fight, during which she took a knife and stabbed him in the chest. Then she got scared and called an ambulance,” he told Blic an investigation source. “.
Denis was immediately transferred to Bor General Hospital, where he received medical assistance. Considering that it was a serious bodily injury, Denis was transferred to Chest Surgery at the Nis Clinical Center.
The father of the injured man, Slavoljub Dimitrijevic, is in shock. He claims that he does not know what could have preceded such an incident for these two spouses.
“We heard on the news that my single wife stabbed Denis. Then a neighbor called me to ask if he had heard what had happened. I live in a nearby town near Bor and immediately went to see what had happened,” Slavoljub said.
He points out that these two people have had a fight before, but that no one could have guessed something like this would happen.
“I managed to get on the phone with my son. It’s a bit more difficult for him to talk, from what we understand, he’s not connected to devices and we just hope he’s out of the woods. I saw him in person, but they say they fought before. What and how it happened, as well as why, I really don’t know, ”says the concerned father.
According to Slavoljub, his son Denis lived privately with his single wife in a house in Bor. For her, as her father says, Denis moved to the city from the town where he was with his parents. Traces of blood can still be seen on the apartment door and on the floor.
“They have been living together for three years. He’s always had some kind of fear, either of her, I don’t know, because he never wanted to talk about it. He wanted to leave her but not for some reason known only to him. They got into a fight, she called the police, ”says Slavoljub.
It turned out that the SO stabbed her single husband Denis. After calling the emergency medical service, the ambulance informed the police, who quickly arrived at the scene and arrested the suspect at his home, who, we unofficially learned, allegedly admitted to stabbing her unmarried husband.
The arrest of the Municipal Assembly was ordered for up to 48 hours, after which she will be questioned by the prosecutor. He is a suspect in the crime of domestic violence, for which he suffered a serious bodily injury. The threat of punishment for this crime is two to ten years in prison.

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Author: delivery courier