FAMILIES WON’T LET SEE IT YET! It has been revealed in what condition Milica Grbić, whose disappearance put Serbia on its feet, really is.


Milica Grbić is better today, but she is still in intensive care at the Serbian Clinical Center.

According to her sister M., the family has yet to see or hear her.

– Milica is better, although none of us have seen her yet, as she is still in the hospital. We receive information about his condition by phone due to the current situation with the corona virus. She is not physically injured, but mentally – says the sister of Milica Grbić from Belgrade, who was found in front of the Emergency Center after more than 30 hours of searching.

What happened during those 30 hours, no one can say for sure yet. According to previous information shared with us by her family, Milica told the police that she visited monasteries and considered suicide, and in front of the Emergency Center she was found in her car in a serious mental state. her sister says that is not the case today.

– She has no physical injuries, but she is mentally ill … But she will recover and we hope that she will soon be discharged from the hospital – says M.

– We do not have any new information about the disappearance because Milica is in the hospital, in the Clinical Center, all the time. We cannot see her because visits are prohibited due to the coronavirus situation, so we inquire by telephone about her condition, and we speak with doctors who briefly tell us if she is better and in what condition she is now – says her sister

It should be remembered that Milica disappeared on October 6 in Batajnica, and the last time her father saw her was in a store in the Shanghai neighborhood. After that, eyewitnesses saw her around 8 pm in the center of that settlement in the company of two men at a fast food kiosk. Two hours later, Milica told her mother that she was going to Progar to see her boyfriend, and after that her phone was not available.

Only in the morning, realizing that his phone was not available and that he had not returned home, the family went to the police station and reported him missing. Milica Grbić was found on October 8 around 4 in the morning in a car in front of the Emergency Center. As the family was told, she drove there because she was feeling very bad and started asking for help.

“Always call when I go somewhere”

In a conversation with “Blic” reporters, Milica’s parents revealed that such behavior is not common for Milica and that she would call them before, whenever she went somewhere.

– He always called even when he stayed longer somewhere and we always knew where he was. Believe me, we do not know what happened exactly, we survived a lot of stress while thinking about what could happen to her – her mother said earlier
