FALSE PAYMENTS BEGAN TO CIRCULATE SERBIA TODAY “If you do not pay 4,500 dinars, you will have to pay 15,000


The payment slips for the inscription in the commercial register arrived today at the addresses of many companies, and the owners of the companies that received them, affirm that it was an attempt at fraud and that this also happened in previous years.

As stated in the proof of payment sent to us by Dragan Perić from Delovionline Belgrade, the registration fee is 4,500 dinars and the payment period is 15 days. If this deadline is not met, more precisely as indicated, if the payment is not made before October 12, the fee is almost several times higher and amounts to 15,000 dinars.

“Today we received a payment order related to the subject: Registration in the commercial register. When checking the APR database it is clear that it is a private company. The appearance of the invoice is similar to the invoices issued by state institutions and is obviously an attempt, deception and fraud, ”said Perić of the Delovionline company.

 Photo: Private archive

The Trade Records Agency confirmed to us that it is a fraud.

“Taking into account deceptive commercial entities that the letters are sent by the Registry of Commercial Entities that carries APR, we warn all our users that this offer does not come from the Commercial Registry Agency,” they noted in APR.

And last year, let us remind you, a similar story appeared at this time. Business entities in Serbia received similar payment receipts in the amount of 5,000 dinars, or 16,000, if the fee is not paid on time.

Then the Trade Records Agency was announced.

“Due to new, frequent calls and addresses of users, the Mercantile Registries Agency repeats the warning to companies and entrepreneurs, and especially to newly constituted ones, to receive payment slips for the amount of 4,000 and 16,000 dinars, respectively, for ”the registration of newly constituted legal entities in PrivrednaRegistar.rs” They do not come from the Agency, nor do they have anything to do with the legal obligation to register, “said the Commercial Records Agency in September last year.

APR also emphasized that “the process of registration and publication of data on the website www.apr.gov.rs is carried out exclusively on the basis of the registration application submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Registration Procedure in the Mercantile Registers Agency ”.

“Therefore, the envelopes with payment slips, which citizens are receiving again these days, belong to the commercial offer and the registered entities do not have to accept them,” APR said in a statement at the time.
