“FALSE DANCER AND SLAVE OF HER GREED” Minister Vladan Vukosavljević called Aja Jung in a statement of success, called him a TRAGICOMIC BLIND-WING SWAN


The passions between the Minister of Culture and Public Information, Vladan Vukosavljević, the director of the Belgrade Games Festival “BFI” Aja Jung do not diminish. After Jung declared “that he will remember the minister only because he installed a refrigerator in the official car,” Vukosavljević officially responded.

In a statement, sent from the Ministry of Culture, and with the title “Black Heart of an Angry Mole”, the Minister of Culture first declared that he was forced to respond “false dancer” to all “lies and nonsense”.

In it, he also referred to his statement that he is a descendant of five generations of Belgraders, suggested that he would need professional (psychological) help, that he changed his name from Andrian Krtolic to Aja Jung, and much more.

– I find it difficult to assess what kind of psychological obsession she has with my smallness, but I think there are experts who can help her to some extent in that sense. I am sure I did nothing to arouse frequent public outbursts in him, which due to the avalanche of conspiracies, outright lies, insults and cheap slander leave room for suspicion and fear that it may be some kind of mental retardation. I hope that this is not the case after all, and that the unfortunate Aja Jung remains just a slave to her greed and sick financial ambitions – said Vukosavljević.

The minister notes in the letter that Jung has been “persecuting” him for years, since he was acting city secretary of culture, for “promising or providing in advance” to the detriment of others, “beyond the rules of the city. competition and beyond law and order, “incredible amounts for your private business endeavor, an international festival of contemporary dance.”

– When he began to realize that there could be no illegal agreements with me in this regard, he began his sad work of smearing and pouring nonsense on my account. To this day, it has not stopped. If the tradition of the supposed five generations of life in Belgrade did not teach civic decency and refrained from lying and slander, then the question arises whether our capital has lost its beneficial educational effects over time or Jung simply does not have the ability to adopt them – he said.

Money comes in different ways

It also notes that Jung received money in various ways from the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, the Belgrade City Assembly, the Provincial Government, the City of Novi Sad and other budget sources and public companies. He also affirms that “he pressures cultural institutions and conference centers to give him their spaces for festive shows for free or at privileged prices” and that “in all these works he usually refers to the mostly imaginary or exaggerated support of high officials of the State.”

Vladan VukosavljevicPhoto: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug

Vladan Vukosavljevic

– If to that we add that they also receive generous financial support from many international cultural centers in Belgrade for invited performances of dance companies from their countries, which affirms the culture of their countries, which is one of the important objectives of their missions. in Serbia and it is quite understandable, then slowly It is beginning to become clear to everyone how and how much money Aja Jung earns annually from the citizens of this country and how many other cultural representatives do not receive financial help thanks to his efforts and procedures of varying degrees of acceptability moral, to stop there – said Vukosavljevic, noting that Solo Jung received about half a million euros from the Ministry of Culture and Information in the last five years, and she “looked down on” that amount.

“Jung Dossier”

According to the statement, the minister asked Ayu Jung to “inform the public of how much annual profit he makes, and if they are right, and with what reason, who claim that these are astronomical amounts for our conditions.”

Aja JungPhoto: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Aja Jung

– You will also have to explain how, without a public tender, you received millions from the Museum of Contemporary Art to bring a foreign company to the museum opening, and since when, since it is certainly not from the Ministry of Culture and Information, except for its colorful friend Nakarada, then acting director. , had support for this work. Jung’s dossier will be an interesting read for many researchers of our paracultural phenomena. Perhaps for some more, it remains to be seen – said Vukosavljevic.

The minister also noted in the letter that the BFI director had legally changed her name, stating that “such a permitted loop does not give her the right to expect others to be ashamed of her name tomorrow because of her financial greed and wish to seize the legal opportunity and change it. ” “.

– And for the end, the fiasco of another lie about an unrealized tragicomic swan with glued wings. In the official car that I use, there is nothing and even in my imagination it can be called a refrigerator – concluded Vukosavljević.
