Extremely serious epidemiological situation, 15,651 active cases registered


According to information from the Vojvodina Public Health Institute, the epidemiological situation in practically the entire province can be characterized as extremely difficult with a trend towards further deterioration.

Currently, 15,651 active cases of kovid-19 infection are recorded in Vojvodina, while 1,335 patients are hospitalized for treatment at all kovid facilities.

The number of newly infected does not stabilize or decrease, but grows day by day, putting all health workers under extreme strain and burden, and the entire health system tempted to allow the capacities of health institutions will be insufficient to receive all patients who need help. An additional problem is that at the moment 681 healthcare workers in Vojvodina are ill, so an increasing number of people are doing an increasing volume of work.

The critical situation is in the territory of the entire administrative district of South Banat with almost full hospital capacity of the general hospitals in Pancevo and Vrsac, as well as the Special Hospital for Lung Diseases in Bela Crkva. An increasing number of patients and hospitalizations are also recorded in the general hospitals of Sremska Mitrovica, Kikinda, Subotica and Sombor.

At the moment, the most difficult situation is in Novi Sad due to the large number of patients with an extremely difficult clinical picture and a number that exceeds the capacities used so far in the fight against the pandemic.

Because of that, over the weekend, a part of the Vojvodina Lung Diseases Institute in Sremska Kamenica was turned into a covid center and filled with two-thirds of the total capacity in just two days, so there are currently 74 patients at that institution.

The critical situation is in the city of Zrenjanin, where due to the large number of patients, additional capacity is provided in the Melenci Special Rehabilitation Hospital, as the Special Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases and the Zrenjanin General Hospital are practically full.

The critical situation is in the territory of the entire administrative district of South Banat with almost full hospital capacity of the general hospitals in Pancevo and Vrsac, as well as the Special Hospital for Lung Diseases in Bela Crkva. There is also a growing number of patients and hospitalizations in the general hospitals of Sremska Mitrovica, Kikinda, Subotica and Sombor.

Therefore, we make a new appeal to the citizens of Vojvodina to behave in a conscientious and responsible manner and to strictly comply with all the precautionary measures and instructions of the professional services of health and epidemiology.

Otherwise, the Vojvodina health system will not be able to help everyone who needs help, leading to unforeseeable consequences for each individual and society as a whole.


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Author: delivery courier
