Extremely rare species of pig are raised in Šumadija: “Their meat is the tastiest” PHOTO


Topola – An extremely rare breed of spotted pig, better known as Resavka, is bred for the first time in Šumadija, at Dragan Jovanović’s house in the village of Zagorica near Topola.

Source: RINA

Photo: RINA

Photo: RINA

According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in 2018 there were between 100 and 200 resavka in Serbia, which places it in the category of breeds in critical danger of extinction in our country.

“I got them from a friend on Radan Mountain, I accidentally found out there were several of them there and when I called that man and asked him to sell it to me, he said, ‘I’m not going to sell it to you, I’ll give it to you, come and take them. ‘I have manguls for several years, so I wanted to add another indigenous breed, which is an old, forgotten breed, they are more resistant and more durable than the meat breeds that are generally raised in our country and in the world. there are few, pigs on average six to eight piglets. They eat natural food, they are reluctant to eat concentrate, they love to be in nature, “said Dragan Jovanovic from Zagorica. FIGHT.

This host has been a pig farmer for years, graciously preparing exclusively locally produced meat delicacies. As he explained, the meat of indigenous pig breeds has a special flavor, and the great interest of buyers is precisely in the products of these breeds.

Photo: RINA

Photo: RINA

“Resavka meat tastes incredibly nice, pork rinds, dried meats and bacon are an unforgettable experience for anyone who likes a good and tasty snack. So, in addition to next year’s mangulica, my customers will also be able to buy resavka. Fattening, breeding material.I also do the service of roasting, drying meat.In general, pig farming can be a dangerous vice, such as gambling or gambling.After almost 25 years of pig farming, I am still not sure if it is a business or a hobby, but I’m sure if I worked with such a large amount of work in one of the developed western countries, I would earn incomparably more money, ”believes Jovanović.

Resavka is a breed of pig with spots, the spots that it always has can be of several different colors: red, yellow or black. Resavka is a native breed of pig that originated around the same time as the Moravian. It was formed by the unsystematic crossing of forested sows and mangulica with Berkshire wild boars in the area of ​​the Velika Morava, Mlava and Resava river basins, as well as in the mountainous parts of eastern Serbia.

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