EXTRACTS, GARBAGE AND MOLD IN THE HOUSE, NAKED, HUNGRY AND SMALL CHILDREN: Horror near Sabac, mother in police, boy (5.5) and girl (2.5) given to adoptive parents


Today, the mother was taken to the police station, where she was handed an order prohibiting her from approaching the children and communicating with them.

A 2.5-year-old girl and a 5.5-year-old boy were placed with an adoptive father in an emergency procedure, and the Šabac Prosecutor General’s Office will decide on additional procedures against an unscrupulous mother.

– In accordance with the Law for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, and based on the findings and opinion of the Social Work Center, an urgent risk assessment was carried out, from which an order was issued prohibiting access and communication and criminal charges were filed. An order was issued for the mother because she was in hiding for several days and today she was arrested when she appeared at the Social Work Center – confirmed the source.

As we learned, the social workers at the Bogatić Social Work Center learned everything earlier this month from an anonymous report that was allegedly sent by one of the neighbors on the street where DZ lived alone with her children. .

Verifying the allegations in the same day report, and especially the allegation that a two-and-a-half-year-old girl was playing naked and barefoot with a knife in the yard, social workers had no idea that they had to solve one of the most difficult cases of child neglect. They couldn’t even imagine the scene they found in the house, because it can only be seen in horror movies.


The Center for Social Work did not comment on its decisions. They confirmed that in numerous cases of displacement of children from the biological family, they have never applied such a measure due to poverty, but only when it is determined that the parents do not fulfill their obligations, which is why the children suffer in every way.

– Children are not separated from their parents like that, because the most normal thing is that they live together. Families with children who do not have sufficient means of subsistence receive help in various ways at the national and local levels. However, in those cases where children are seriously neglected and their health and safety is in danger, it is our obligation to react urgently, and the judicial authorities will decide when the children will be with their mother again, they said in the Center for Bogatić Social Work.

– What a horror movie. It is also more orderly in the concentration camp. Clutter and dirt, scattered things, bathroom with a tub full of dirty water, no toiletries, sanitary pads and used diapers on the floor, in the room baby feces at every step, dirty dishes with stale food, broken bottles , broken dishes, broken dishes and moldy food on the table and in the fridge … The girl was found naked and barefoot, without clothes or shoes, in a cold room. Outside, in front of the house, there are garbage bags, spoons, forks … – describes the source.

To put it mildly, children live in such conditions, to put it mildly, it is hard to imagine, and everyone would remain silent and wonder what punishment justice can be given for depriving innocent little creatures of their children’s basic right to a normal childhood. I mean, it wasn’t just their home that reminded them of the blackest horror. And they were dirty and untidy, with blemishes on their bodies indicating infection and hair full of lice.

Because of their young age, they did not know better conditions, nor did they know how to look for them. They saw their mother during the day because she worked as a singer in a pub at night, when her eleven-year-old brother looked after them.

– The father has had no contact with them since he was recently banned from approaching after his wife reported him for domestic violence. She has been alone with the children since then, but she did not try to provide them with even minimal living conditions. They were not recipients of social benefits and did not lack the means to live, because the father also sent money for the children. However, the mother neglected them and until the case is resolved, the children will be with the adoptive parents – says our source.


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