Extend the opening hours to 22 hours


The Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, said today that at the moment when the mass immunization of the population begins and when the number of infected has been reduced due to the responsibility of citizens, it is time, he says, to consider the flexibility of the measures.

Vesić said that he also discussed it with representatives of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and businessmen.

He added that now that the “light at the end of the tunnel” is visible and when immunization has begun, it is time to extend the workday to at least 22 hours.

– Thanks to the efforts of President Vučić, we are the third country in Europe where vaccination has started and enough free vaccines have been provided for all citizens. I am especially happy that the city of Belgrade managed to get the service sector running until 8 pm – said Vesić, and announced Beoinfo.

He points out that bars are open in Belgrade today, while everything is closed in Paris, Berlin, London, Prague, and Vienna.

Vesić says the state managed to find a compromise between preserving public health and preserving employment.

– We have made sure that Belgrade works and therefore we have allowed tens of thousands of people to receive salaries. I am proud of that. I consciously fought for jobs even though I was the target of an attack. He knew that if the service sector is closed, 40,000 women and men will lose their jobs in Belgrade alone, Vesić noted.

He added that he saw the statements of the Crisis Staff doctors that they proposed that the measures not be relaxed until the end of January.

– They have their arguments for that, just like we have ours, we’ll talk. In any case, I hope to work until February 22 from 10 pm. We will fight for that to happen even sooner – concluded Vesić.
