Exponential Growth Expected, May Continue Indefinitely … And Flu Season Has Not Started Yet


The provincial secretary of Health, Zoran Gojković, points out that curbing the epidemic depends exclusively on the citizens, and points out that each infected person can transmit the infection to two or three people.

Besides Belgrade, which is the largest access point in Serbia, the number of initiates is also growing in Vojvodina.

New data for the province indicate that in the last 24 hours more than 130 infected were registered, which is a third more than the previous day. The most infected are Novi Sad – 73, followed by Zrenjanin and Pancevo.

30 patients are being treated at the Vojvodina Clinical Center and none of them are connected to a ventilator.

Provincial Health Secretary Zoran Gojković warns that the epidemic situation in Serbia is changing from unfavorable to extremely unfavorable.

Provincial Secretary of Health Zoran GojkovićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Provincial Secretary of Health Zoran Gojković

– Although hospitals are filling at a slower rate than in the previous period, we should be seriously concerned – says Gojković for RTS.

He also mentioned that “the situation in the environment and in Europe is completely out of control, we must do everything possible to respect what we have learned in the last six months.”

As Gojković emphasizes, the virus enters a period that allows it to spread faster.

Home gatherings are the biggest culprit in growing infections

Gojković notes that most of those infected come from celebrations at home.

– Greater exponential growth is expected, which may go unnoticed if it is not stopped. The flu season has yet to start, and when that happens, it will create big problems for the healthcare system, warns Gojković.

He specifically referred to the active labor force.

– We do not have registered so many infected people from the workforce, there is no greater transmission of the virus in the workplace. The active workforce is the target group that must reduce its activities to the minimum possible – says Gojković.

Speaking about the new measures, Gojković stated that the crisis staff will discuss them after President Aleksandar Vučić’s meeting with the directors of all covid hospitals in Belgrade.

– We do not want photos of Europe, where even with the curfew, the situation is gradually spiraling out of control – adds Gojković.

He also noted that “everyone should look at themselves.”

– You should not look at the Crisis Staff, because they will make decisions on someone’s whim, but based on the epidemic situation. Everyone should look at themselves, because the situation of the epidemic depends only on citizens and how much they adhere to the measures, Gojković notes.

As you pointed out, an infected person can pass the injection on to two or three other people.

VIDEO: How many coronaviruses destroy our lungs
