Experts Talk About Another HIDDEN KOVID SYMPTOM – These Are The First Signs You Should Report To A Doctor



24.02.2021. 23:17

There is more and more talk of a new symptom of kovid, but doctors warn that if kovid is suspected, a more dangerous cause, a heart attack or something more harmless, cartilage inflammation, must be ruled out.



Some research says that one of the hidden symptoms of kovida-19 is costochondritis.

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently spoke about the syndromes that people face during and after coexistence. One of the many symptoms he mentioned is costochondritis, but also myocarditis.

“It’s seen more and more in covid patients who were in an extremely serious condition,” said Todd Hurst, a cardiologist at Banner University, for DAIC.


Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum. It is an inflammatory process that usually affects several ribs, generally on the same side of the sternum. It is a condition that can be quite painful, so the patient consults a doctor, explained prof. From HRT. Zlata Ožvačić Adžić, specialist in family medicine.

Usually it is a non-specific inflammation that is primary, although it can sometimes occur as part of other diseases, such as rheumatic inflammatory diseases or even indicate a tumor in the body, but these are very rare cases. Some research has shown that costochondritis is more common in women. The main symptom that patients report to their doctor is chest pain.

The first task of primary care physicians is to rule out the possibility of acute myocardial infarction or myocardial infarction. By palpation, that is, pressure on the pain site, the doctor already discovers a potential problem, as well as the patient’s deep breathing and hand movements. These are only the first steps in diagnosis. An electrocardiogram is then performed on the patient.

– Costochondritis usually resolves on its own, the long-term prognosis is good. It is treated with pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly non-steroidal antirheumatic drugs. The inflammation that causes pain subsides over time and medications are applied locally or orally, adds prof. Zlata Ožvačić Adžić. The professor certainly advises people to contact a doctor immediately in case of chest pain.
