Coronavirus is likely to spread for at least 18 months to two years until between 60 and 70 percent of the population becomes infected, according to a report by a team of US pandemic experts.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: depositphoto / zephyr18
They recommended that the United States prepare for the worst case involving a second major wave of coronavirus in the fall and winter.
Even in the best case scenario, people will continue to die from the virus, according to US experts.
“This will not stop until it infects 60 to 70 percent of people,” Mike Osterholm, who heads the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota, told CNN.
“The idea that this will be nearly overthrown challenges microbiology,” he said.
Osterholm has been reflecting on the risk of a pandemic for 20 years and has advised several presidents.
He co-wrote the report with epidemiologist Mark Lipsic of Harvard College of Public Health, who is also a pandemic expert, Kristin Moore, a former epidemiologist at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention who is now CIDRAP’s medical director, and the historian Don Bari. who wrote the book “The Big Flu” in 2004 about the 1918 panic fever pandemic.
Because Covid-19 is new, no one has immunity, they said.
The pandemic will likely last between 18 and 24 months, as “collective immunity” gradually develops in the human population, they wrote.