Expanded list of citizens who will receive money from the state, another 10,000 dinars for this group



19.11.2020. 16:45

The list of citizens who will receive assistance from the state in the amount of 10,000 dinars has been extended to employees of social protection institutions that are in the kovid 19 system.

Money, money, profits, dinars, dinars

Money, money, earnings, dinars, dinar, Photo: Shutterstock, illustration

This information was confirmed by the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Welfare, Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

– Employees of social protection institutions that are in the kovid 19 system will receive a one-time grant of 10,000 dinars each – said Kisić Tepavčević.

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Printscreen / RTS

Earlier, Finance Minister Siniša Mali declared that 10,000 dinars would be paid tomorrow in the name of a one-time financial aid for healthcare employees, and that 1,550 million dinars, or about 13 million euros, had been allocated from the budget for those purposes.

– All health workers will receive this one-time assistance from the state. When I say that, I also mean those who are employed in the health system itself, military health institutions, health workers employed in the Ministry of the Interior, as well as health workers who work in social service institutions whose work is funded with the budget. 120,000 people work only in the health system, while there are about 130,000 of them together with employees of other services – said the Minister.

Siniša Mali said the money will also go to non-medical personnel working in the health system, because their support in this joint fight is unquestionable, from ambulance drivers to cleaners whose workload has multiplied.
