Executors go into action, hitting hundreds of thousands of debtors!



27.11.2020. 16:43 – 27.11.2020. 17:03

RTS did not make a decision on the cancellation of subscription debts to RTV.


Executors, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

The tens of thousands of old citizen debts that the courts referred to public executors for payment refer to unpaid TV subscription bills.

As confirmed for “Novosti” on RTS, the total claims of the Public Media Service on this basis amount to 52.9 billion dinars, or 448 million euros.

Considering that, for example, 2.1 billion dinars were allocated from the state budget for RTS in 2019, and that all its revenue (from marketing, TV taxes and state treasury) in 2018 amounted to 11 billion, it is clear that the Public Service could live almost five years just from the collection of these debts.

It is true that the debtors will have to pay these amounts, increased by several years of interest and default costs, even if they are forced, because the National Television has not renounced the claims, writes “Novosti”.

“RTS did not make a decision on the cancellation of the debts for the subscription to RTV. The average debt per debtor is around 25,000 dinars,” they say on national television.

They also recall that the Broadcasting Law, which prescribed the obligation to pay the subscription to RTV, was in force until 2014, when the Law on Public Media Services was approved. Now you plan to pay a public service fee, which is on your electricity bills.

On January 1 of this year, in accordance with amendments to the Enforcement and Security Act, the courts began transferring hundreds of thousands of enforcement cases over three years to enforcement officers. As of the last day of June, according to the president of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Dragomir Milojevic, there are still around 460,000 cases to be referred, of which 90 percent are in Belgrade. However, Milojevic believes that not all will reach the debtors for forced collection, as there are still unexamined folders, incomplete cases, deceased debtors, as well as creditors who did not decide in time if they want the debt to be collected by the court or the executor . suspended execution.

Those who are, however, waiting to pay for years of unpaid services, parking tickets, or the aforementioned TV subscriptions, should prepare for higher interest rates, because some debts are two or more decades old, so the bill previous 3,000 or 5,000 dinars could to grow to 30,000 or 50,000!

Since utility claims become obsolete within a year, in order not to become obsolete, creditors submitted a new proposal for enforcement to the court every year. Some, however, have now decided to waive compulsory prosecution of debtors, so they settled the matter “gracefully” by failing to pay an advance to the executors. Consequently, these suspensions were suspended. According to Milojevic, for example, the conversation was held to give up the collection of debts of small amounts. with the “Infostan” and the “Parking Service” of Belgrade. However, there is no such agreement with RTS.

The lawyers announce that the debtors will retaliate with counterclaims, for infringement of the right to a trial within a reasonable time and for illegal actions, with the presentation of compensation claims.
