EXCLUSIVE! Two hours before the start of Cooperative 4, Željko Mitrović revealed hitherto unknown details: Here are the surprises that await us IN THE NEW SEASON! (VIDEO)


Just two hours before the start of the fourth, never-more spectacular season of “Zadruga”, TV Pink’s owner and director Zeljko Mitrovic joined “Diario Nacional” from the magnificent Simanovci complex, revealing the exclusive details of the show. from this night.

Mitrovic first, in a conversation with a reporter Mihajlo Pavić, commented the impressive figures that say a lot about the success that “Cooperative“achieved in the previous three television seasons.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

– In the previous three years, “Zadruga” was by far the most searched term in Google search alone, and the most viewed channel on the YouTube channel: 4 billion and 700 million views! Completely impressive figures, both for television and for the popularity of the Internet, making this the largest project of its kind in the world and, when it comes to setting and duration, the results themselves, above of all the ratings, says Mitrovic, who has high expectations when it comes to the season that begins tonight.

Photo: Jelena Simonović

We expect a lot and for the fourth season we think that in different categories it will be of the highest quality, the most successful so far. More than 700 people are working on the preparation of the opening ceremony, a little was done under special conditions, mainly for the crown. 54 competitors will be here tonight, 120 contracts have been signed, which means there will be major changes, extraordinary expulsions, insertions … Many surprises will come in the next ten months. They have been in quarantine for three days, we have carried out three corona tests and they are all absolutely negative, it is even good news that half of them have antibodies, which means that they are relatively immune.

Apparently, the interest in participating in a project of this type is never greater this time.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

– Myself, on my Instagram account, I had 10,000 requests, those are completely incredible numbers, and there were endless requests in all the other registration points, I don’t think that in the end we didn’t even count … We didn’t even manage to process everything it does not mean that some of these requests will not be processed later in these ten months. This casting is so powerful, so good, we have prepared so much that viewers will be nailed to the screen 24/7, says Mitrovic, adding that he is very satisfied with this year’s casting.

Absolutely, because casting, no matter what the controversy is, is always a mirror of the population around us. Like it or not, according to various social criteria … It is a sociological sample of what surrounds us in the real world. It could be noticed in the inclusions in the “Narod pita” programs, from time to time spectators appeared who criticized the way of communication with the terminology and rhetoric, which is much worse than the participants! I mean, that little hypocrisy shakes our general atmosphere, but it doesn’t bother me because this casting is a pure sample of what surrounds each of us in everyday life.

Many news and challenges for the participants of the fourth season

The “Cooperative 4” will be different in many ways compared to the previous three.

– If the weather is good for us, there will be many games in the water, we try that every year … We have prepared many games for the water and on the water, but it all depends on the weather. If time serves us, we will realize all that, and if we do not have to retire to the facilities that we have at our disposal in these 2.5 hectares! Tonight I will coordinate this grand opening ceremony from a helicopter, I assembled everything there for myself – says Mitrović and adds that, to the satisfaction of millions of spectators, the humanoid robot will do it Leposava be much more active this year.

Photo: Jelena Simonović

– We updated Leposava, now he is smart, someone who should be more cunning, more aggressive … The last time we were unlucky, we had a problem with the computer that found out about them and archived information, now we have made part of it manually so I think this time it will be a lot easier.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Exclusively for the viewers of “Nacionalni dnevnik”, revealed only a part of the news that will also refresh the season, which officially begins tonight at 9 pm on TV Pink.

We have a large tunnel made of transparent LEDs, which is actually a purgatory, it is the last chance for the participants to repent or atone for their sins, because after that purgatory, heaven or hell awaits them here, and that depends! from them!

Don’t miss the start of “Cooperative 4” tonight at 9 pm LIVE on TV Pink!

Author: DT
