EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: This is how the intrusion in the “Mir” villa where Slobodan Milosevic was staying looked like (PHOTO)


The arrest began on March 30 and ended two days later, after seven hours of surrender negotiations. The arrest was preceded by day and night guards of supporters and sympathizers of SPS and JUL in front of the house where Milosevic was staying. On June 28, in Vidovdan, he was extradited to the Hague Tribunal on the basis of a decree of the Government of Serbia.

At the time of his arrest, Milosevic was an unrivaled world exclusive, as evidenced by the offers that Blanusa, the then prison warden, discovered, received from the world media: – Many foreigners from the EU came to visit, to control the prison.

Milorad Ulemek Legija, former commander of the Special Operations Unit (JSO), claims that the DOS regime in 2001 raised up to $ 5 million from the arrest of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.

In 2016, Legija spoke from prison for the first time, in an interview for the weekly “Express”, he said that information was deliberately released to the public according to which Milosevic was detained by members of the “Zemun clan”, because that was the only way to collect millions of blackmail. The Americans once asked for Milosevic.

That is, if the former president had been officially detained by the competent state authorities on the night between March 31 and April 1, 2001, there would have been no basis for the payment of millions.

– The information that the “Zemun clan” participated in that event is a classic subterfuge, which was conceived long before, because that is the only way they could take the money for Milosevic, that is, five million dollars, which was gave him for his arrest. . If he had been arrested by state authorities, then the money could not have been taken. That is why the story of the “citizens of Zemun” was released … – explains the former commander of the JSO. Ulemek also notes that his unit was explicitly ordered to wear plainclothes with ghosts:

– They sent us civilian clothes instead of intervention uniforms, which we always wear during the confrontation. We were supposed to play “Zemunci” that night … And that famous “Zemun clan” didn’t even exist at that time. The group around Spasojevic (Dusan Spasojevic Shiptar, ed.) Was formed only in August 2002, when Spasojevic broke up with his former boss Chumet. So this is just another example of planting false information to the general public …

The Legion emphasizes that on the night of Milosevic’s arrest, someone tried to provoke a dangerous conflict between the army and the police.

– The unit had nothing to do with the shameful act of arresting the president. The sole task of the JSO that night was to take over the security of the ‘Mir’ village facility, as the army received an order to withdraw and hand over that facility to the MUP. Of course, that night someone deliberately wanted to provoke an armed conflict between the army and the JSO.

– Only the cool head of some of us prevented this conflict from happening … – The story about the arrest of Milosevic continues.

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