Excellency Lazanski H1 Serbia


Last year, Miroslav Lazanski swam in a frozen Moscow pond for the honorary cross. It was a scene that enchanted the former candidates for the beauty of the Serbian girl, Excellency was the judge of many. His pop ambitions abruptly withered before the lightning rose. Realizing there was something much more seductive than Miss’s choice, he left Vesna od Vinče, turned to the light, and saw her icon.

She seduced her master with her empty charm, and seduced him with her tendency to choose the worst for him. And now it represents Serbia in the largest empire in the world, and it does so with a lot of paramilitary rigidity, divided between two patriots. Once, and maybe twice, he saw Putin, a Russian tsar who he loves more than a Serb, and he solves that with futile attempts to sow all the fields where the legend of oriental sin sprouts with its insipid Russophilia.

A few months ago, he urgently arrived in Belgrade, intending to prepare for the brilliant arrival of Vladimir Vladimirovic, and find a host eager to embrace the great Russian bear. But, after that humiliating sitting on the donkey’s bench near Trump, Vladlac was left without a guest, because he coldly cleaned up the leading model of political promiscuity.

That post by Maria Zaharova is a legendary and insurmountable parallel of Trump’s twisted visitor with the most hidden object of beauty, Sharon Stone, symbol of eroticism with the denial of all attraction, with the death of political and personal aesthetics.

I think the confused ambassador tried to explain what Zaharova meant and what she didn’t, of course she didn’t mean what we all think. There is no talk of comparing a loved one to that feminine thing! Even later, the disoriented SNS president claimed that Putin and Lavrov personally apologized to him, in secret. Moscow has never announced that such an apology exists.

Of course, Lazanski has a lot of work to do to explain the extremely unclear position of his president. Where does he go, what does he do, what does he propose, where does his schizophrenia in foreign policy end? Who is Vučić’s friend and who is his friend? He has them? How they swing at the crossroads of two insincere alliances, if I’m already a half brother, you’ve gotten rid of their nasty insistence.

Lazanski does not have that diplomatic format. He built his career on serfdom, as well as a whole stable of similar ones running around the world. In Moscow, he was accepted as an exotic travel writer on crisis, always ignoring the most important. But that does not matter for Serbian foreign policy, the most important thing here has long since become marginal.

Not having much work in great diplomacy, Lazanski began to grapple with satire, which deals with his superiority. He did not understand the contribution of Pljiž and Mićko Ljubičić and tried to refute their imitation as incorrect. It is supposedly based on the idea that the ambassador freezes in the residence by the light of a meager candle. But Excellency affirms that this is not true, there is electricity, it is trivially cheap. The sketch was made up, even the firefighter Ljova was offended.

Badava explanation of the people of Pljiž: Listen, Lazanski, it’s just a clever game, it has symbolism and stylistic solutions that are a metaphor for the possible cooling of relations between Moscow and Belgrade. Do you understand But who to talk to, when Lazanski is as witty as a closet. You just know that the sketch is impossible because it is not exact. He thinks that every effort was made to present to the author the story of the Russian tank donation and the possible distribution of the Russian holiday in Serbia.

The ambassador thinks that it is difficult to explain to people in Serbia what is satire and what is not. They really don’t know. Satire can be done if there is at least a part of the truth in it, so said, and if everything is a fabrication, then there is no need for it. They (Pljiz) made a tense story to raise the question of why the Russian tanks were surrendered at the time of the crown. If we don’t accept them, we will pay the deposit. I’m hot in here, he said. I will swim again towards the Cross of the Epiphany. The guys from Pljiž are very nice to me.

I think Mićko Ljubičić explained in detail to Lazanski what he meant. That satire cannot be inaccurate, nor is it your hero’s job to refute it. It is a literary genre based precisely on the deficit of the logic of the subject of satire. In this case, Lazanski is an ideal subject, a man who did not understand the two most important things: what is he going to do there and what is he doing? Who sent it to Moscow and why?

He could swim on his own here in Ada. And no one would laugh at him in the old days because he doesn’t care about serious things that overlook his high attention. And how come they don’t understand a joke?

As? Well, nobody ever understood.
