
Along with the news that the “Pfizer” vaccine against the kovid-19 campaign was approved, the conspiracy theories of opponents of vaccination are spreading more and more, so a doctor decided to oppose them and explain in a one minute video of what the vaccine is.

Encouraged by the torrent of false claims and speculations spreading on social media, British physician Dr. Benjamin Jainaway decided to present scientific facts about vaccines and why we need not fear in a one-minute video, which he shared on his twitter account.

Dr. Janeway first provides basic information about what exactly a vaccine is and how it helps our immune systems.

– Vaccines are manufactured from an inert or dead form of a virus that is injected into our body so that our white blood cells, that is, your immune system, can develop a natural immune response and against the real virus can resist it without any symptom – explains the doctor.

– In this way the chain of contagion is broken and the mortality of millions of people is reduced.

Photo: Siniša Pašalić / RAS Serbia

Next, the doctor rejects all conspiracy theories that claim there is a connection between the vaccine, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease:

– The link between vaccines and autism and vaccines and Alzheimer’s disease has been completely disproved by large studies. There are no dead babies, pieces of dead babies, or pieces of anything else in the vaccines that could harm you. Everything is a fabrication: RTS reports.

Finally, Janeway lists the real but very rare risks associated with vaccines, emphasizing that the probability of someone having any of these problems is very small.

– The real risks of vaccines are: very low risk of anaphylactic shock; risk in case of food allergy, although they will surely ask you before getting vaccinated; risk of local tissue damage (ie needle stick) and very low risk of significant tissue damage. But again, this happens in extremely rare cases. You may have some milder symptoms after receiving the vaccine, but it is only an immune reaction of the body, not an infection or viral disease, emphasizes the doctor.

Therefore, at a time of a coronary virus pandemic and at a time when it is almost impossible to escape from various conspiracy theorists and opponents of vaccination, the only way out is to listen to the experts.
