EVERYTHING CLOSES AT 18! The government has adopted 7 NEW PROTECTION MEASURES against the CROWN, and this is what Minister Lončar (KURIR TELEVIZIJA) says


The Serbian government has prescribed new measures, which will take effect on Tuesday. The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, announced that the stricter measures will last ten days, after which it will be seen if they contributed to improving the situation.

The first of the measures consists of shortening the working day to 6 o’clock in the afternoon in restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, betting houses and shopping centers.

The second measure is the mandatory and unconditional use of personal protective equipment, that is, wearing a protective mask, both indoors and outdoors in those situations where interpersonal contacts cannot be avoided.

Any meeting with the presence of more than five people, both indoors and outdoors, is prohibited.

The government has also prescribed certain restrictions when it comes to public transport, which will be increased, and the maximum number of passengers will be reduced to half the declared capacity of the vehicle.

The new measures also imply strict control over the implementation of home isolation and quarantine, Minister Zlatibor Lončar declared.



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Author: delivery courier
