Everyone wonders what happened to the BABY THAT MOTHER THROWS HER like a doll, but also to the rest of her children, this is where they are now


A gruesome video of a mother literally throwing her seven-month-old baby like a doll, not a living thing, has upset audiences. Mother Silvija Saitović (21), who has three children, is charged with two crimes and faces a 12-year prison term. As “Blic” learns, their children were taken away.

In relation to this case, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs informed “Blic” that the children were separated from their mothers.

– The Center for Social Work of the City of Belgrade, in cooperation with the relevant institutions of the system, has taken and implemented urgent and necessary measures within its competence to protect and care for the children of this family. According to the evaluation and legal authorizations of the guardianship authority, all minor children were separated from the family and cared for in a social protection institution, according to the competent Ministry.

As “Blic” wrote, it was established that the baby had injuries. In the next few days, it will be determined whether they were made on the day the mother was filmed at Novi Begorad, on Zoran Djindjic Boulevard, or earlier.

Let us remind you, after this case, the competent services also reacted. According to the media, it was determined that it was Silvija Saitović (21), who already has two children. He led the three of them to beg in his company.

According to sources close to the investigation, he is charged with two criminal offenses: neglect and abuse of a minor, for which he is threatened with a prison sentence of 3 months to 5 years, and domestic violence, paragraph 3 – serious damage to health of a minor. which is a threat of a sentence of 2 to 10 years in prison.

Saitovic will be questioned at the prosecutor’s office tomorrow or, as of last night, the police have ordered her 48-hour detention.
