Everyone talks about her and the photo of her in the hands of a policeman (VIDEO)


THIS IS MICA, RELEASED FROM FIRE ON THE 13TH FLOOR OF NS SOLITER: Everyone talks about her and the image in which she is in the hands of a policeman (VIDEO)

Photo: Printscreen Instagram / nsuzivo.rs

NOVI SAD – Dozens of tenants at the 15-story lone on Bulevar oslobo Buenja 155 days after the fire mostly move in with friends and family over the weekend, because the building has no electricity.

Most of the tenants are still in the building, but many plan to spend the weekend elsewhere because, according to estimates, it will take at least two days to review the facilities and dry the building after the fire goes out. , so that there are no breakdowns in electrical installations, he announced. Radio 021.

photo: Printscreen Instagram / nsuzivo.rs

At the moment, there is no more detailed information from state authorities on the damage, as well as on the cause of the fire. The Bureau of the Interior Ministry indicated that the damages would be evaluated by the insurance company, as well as that time was needed for the investigation and investigation.

According to neighbors, the fire occurred in the apartment on the 13th floor, allegedly when one of the people in the apartment turned on a sprinkler while decorating the Christmas tree. Then the curtain caught fire and the fire spread rapidly. As Radio 021 reporters heard, the tenants were staying in that apartment, and although there was a sign on the door saying that the police sealed it during a tour of the building, we found several young people carrying things that were not burned and not they were in the mood for a story.

Of the other tenants in the building, two more apartments were damaged on the same vertical, on floors 14 and 15, as well as three or four more adjoining apartments. The neighbors, in addition to hoping that the electricity will return soon, say that the most important thing is that there were no victims, and thank the firefighters for avoiding further damage.

Additionally, many praised the police, especially as they were ready to save the 13th floor dog while the fire burned.

Radio 021 found the home of Mica and owner Rada, who told us that she was immensely grateful to the police and firefighters who saved the dog from the closed apartment while the adjoining apartment was on fire.

(Kurir.rs/Radio 021)

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