Everyone expects the VIRUS to DISCOUNT by the New Year, and this is what Dr. Janković says about it and why HARD DAYS ARE RIGHT BEFORE US


Commenting on today’s most difficult day since the beginning of the epidemic and the terrible number of 47 deaths in the last 24 hours, Dr. Srdja Jankovic, a member of the Serbian Government Crisis Team for the fight against crowns, he said we could have expected this situation when he saw an increase in the number of infected.

– The movement of the death toll after the number of infected is unfortunately delayed for some time and that is why, when the number of infected started to grow, we had to hope that it would translate into these tragic numbers with respect to the dead – said Dr. Janković

He, as a guest on the “150 minutes” program, said that the curve continues to grow, and that his “moderation” depends exclusively on respecting the measures.

– The curve continues to grow and to stop growth it is important to respect the measures. We have always advocated for stricter measures, even before they were introduced. But I must point out that they exist all the time and those that we had in force before protected us to the extent that they were implemented – said Dr. Janković and added.

– All the joint measures must bear fruit, all the calls to reduce the meetings to 5 people, postpone everything and dry up the contacts, which cannot be avoided, are carried out with physical distance and with masks – he said.

“The point is not just to shorten the coffee working hours”

When it comes to shortening the coffee’s working hours, Dr. Janković points out that it is not about shortening the working hours.

– The essence is not only to shorten the time, but also to implement all the other measures that are in force during the working day – he says.

He pointed out that a certain number of people in Serbia, but also around the world, are deaf to the measures, that they have the right to have a say, but that they must not endanger the lives of other people.

– It is not a question of what kind of people we are, it is a question of several people, and we see it in the most developed countries of the world, we do not take this seriously. And that person has the right to think differently, but when it leads to behavior that endangers the life and health of other people, then we can talk about the ethics of that choice, he said.

Curfew: an option that has no purpose

He explained that crisis staff did not consider the introduction of the curfew.

– We haven’t considered any of that. This is not an option that we consider convenient. We, the crisis staff physicians, believe that the measures now in place should be applied as consistently and strictly as possible. Contacts are key, not a movement ban. If we ban the movement, we have done nothing more than prevent contacts without banning the movement – noted and added Dr. Janković.

– We have been thinking about how to minimize contacts in the most efficient way possible. If we succeed, the driving ban will become superfluous. If we don’t, then we will have an outbreak, as we do now. Contacts are crucial, those that are necessary for the necessities of life must be made under protection. We should all act as if we are carriers of the virus – he emphasized.

“The need to celebrate elsewhere”

Dr. Janković also referred to the statement this morning by his colleague from the crisis staff, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, that all those planning to go to winter in the next term should reserve a place in the hospital.

– I cannot prohibit anyone from trying to maintain their business, but what I can say as an immunologist is that I am not optimistic that we will have such a favorable situation for the New Year and Christmas holidays in which these arrangements can be made. I would advise that we put the need for holidays and celebrations elsewhere – said Dr. Janković.

VIDEO: Party and concert in Belgrade amid the crown: “Dr. Kone, look at this”
