EVERYONE EXPECTED THIS! THE NIGHT ALL THE MASKS FELL! MOTIVATED, Lily announced a GREAT RETURN and the change of the NEW LIST The members of the cooperative followed her and were left speechless when hearing what she KNEW ABOUT THEM (VIDEO)


The inspector left many cooperative members behind at night without a text message, and what she announced if she returned from isolation scared many.

Night in Cooperatives marked “Nominations “ I “Truth game”. The truth is that many issues were raised, but also that many cooperative members were not feeling well after revealing their secrets. Everyone had something to say, add or resent, and there were those who shed tears.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

After the first nominated cooperative member was chosen this week for expulsion, and that’s Ljiljana Stevanovic Lili, Leader Darko Tanasijevic He told the residents of the White House and who else will face the votes of the audience. Leader Darko asked them to get up. Dragana Mitrović, Bojana Savića, Snežana Ojdanić and Nataša Radan. After the tension that grew in The White House, members of the cooperative were informed that Snežana was going to isolate herself with Lily with the least support this week. He did not hide that he did not like it, as he repeatedly pointed out that he would like to stay at the magnificent property.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

However, what remained notable during the nominations was the speech of the nominee Ljiljana Stefanović, who rebuked many with her statement. Vrbaški Mine As this week’s leader, she was entitled to be the last to nominate and had words of praise for Ljiljana. She justified herself by not being aware that she had prepared them for her runners.

On Monday, he didn’t know when he was choosing to run. First of all, to tell Milica that there is no need to be mad at me, you have to figure it out yourself. Lily is a person with whom I am delighted, her friends told her to be more relaxed and to say what you have. You are a woman, but a girl at heart. I’ve known Bora for a long time, I went through everything with him. I love him very much, he and I came out of reality. I also have nothing to complain about. I nominate Lily because I know her less – Mina said.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Upon learning that Lily had received the fewest votes in the household, she had the right to address everyone.

I do not know where to start. I needed these nominations to find out what people think of me. I’m glad I’m in a duel with Bora, she’s great. I adore you as much as my son and I didn’t tell you. I expected this as much as I could. I did not expect this nomination from some people. I only resent Bori for being vain. I am amazed at these three geese sitting here, Alex disappointed me. There are no elite prostitutes here, only prostitutes. I came here to play. I graduated from three universities, they trained me for my job, this is my true calling and I would do it again. I quit my job on my own initiative. I decided when I left here to open a private detective agency. Nobody told me the actual writing here. I appreciate 10% of the people here. I don’t want love or attention. I had too much, I have it now. It’s no secret that I got an apartment from a partner for my birthday. I have a son, who is 22 years old, who is a student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, whom I hope he has enrolled in his fourth year. I gave birth to Dimitrija at the age of 33, I am 55 years old. Nadice, I feel your intolerance towards me. I have helped many and have been punished for it. I salute my partner, who is American, he made me a happy woman. Nadice, I blame you for not including me as a real woman. I don’t blame you for anything – said Lily.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

To her Nadica zeljkovic, whom Lily listed as the person pestering her about the nomination, did not get in debt, so she immediately responded:

I’m cooking you, we just don’t understand each other – said Nadica.

I do not regret the Garden of Eden, I did not expect cameras to record these things. There are no people with a file here except Christian who is world famous. I found out about Marko Đedović’s plan and I don’t deny it. I know many things and the matter of Zurich, Bujanovac, Tara, you are right. I do not go near the kitchen nor do I intend to order it. I don’t want to change the relationship between Marko and Miljana. Bojan, I also blame you, you disappointed me. He wasn’t in this crowd with so many idiots. I worked on the nose and chest, but the other creators are cosmetologists, I’ll just work – said Lili.

After the nominations, u The White House a letter arrived The big boss, that she read Vrbaški Mine as leader of this week, was announced in the letter A real gameand the game started Krstijan Golubović.

When did you dream and did they end in a dream? – It was a question for Chorba.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Three or four days ago I had a very strange, exciting night, it was not easy for me. At one point, I sat down, picked up the quilt, and was overjoyed. I dreamed that we were in a camp and Stanija was twice as big as Miljana. And I did everything with her and I did everything – said Chorba.

After Chorba’s statement and the dream count, he immediately spoke Vladimir Tomović that I had everything to tell him.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

And are you trying to be smart? What the wise are ashamed of, the fool is proud. That’s my ex-girlfriend, Christian’s friend. I would never give details in my life, you didn’t lie, but you know how, after the phrase you said here, nothing surprises me, but as her ex-boyfriend, I had to react – Tomović replied.

Aleksandra nikolic you Truth games she asked a question Ljiljana Lili Stevanovic, due to his earlier speech that there are many girls among them who are engaged in the older trade.

Lily, you just said there are no elites, only prostitutes, who are they? Alexandra asked.

To begin with, but you are not the only one! I know it’s you, we are not in court to give you proof! Lily snapped.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

What is your information? Alex asked.

I have information that you are a prostitute, but not an elite one! – Ljilja continued.

Of course I will sue her! – Nikolić said.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Do you know the name Simo Pavlović, he ran a big disco in Switzerland? He was a friend of your father, Lili asked Sandra Rešić.

No, I don’t know, unfortunately – said Sandra Rešić.

During Truth games asked the following question Marko djedovic, which collided again with the Miljan Kulić, repeating the harsh words that had already been said.

Have you ever gone with friends and played in disguise with your son with a high-ranking politician from the region while they ate roasts and roasts? – was Aleksandra Nikolić’s question.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Never in my life! I do not know the son of a politician, nor did I get on the table to play, and he had baked, and he was disguised. I worked as a cheerleader and promoter, but I didn’t – said Alex, and Djedovic denied it.

Kenan Tahirovic He also had an interesting question for Milan Janković Čorba, whose answer provoked backlash from many.

I see you are disgusting to girls, which one bothers you the most? – was the question.

Five, six days bother us all three. For hygiene, egeanism Elena, negligence and hygiene Alex. For example, Elena came to our table, made polenta and ate it herself, and I made risotto for everyone. She didn’t offer anyone, when I brought the risotto, we gave it to everyone. After two minutes, he ate another plate. I told her to wash the dishes and the sherpa and she said she would, I get up this morning to make lunch, I go into the kitchen everything else. Why didn’t you wash? 6 and 15 people sleep. Christian and I feel sorry for her, with a face: “Give me a little.” and Kristijan Golubović:

The girl is sleeping, that doesn’t interest her, she knocks on the door, approaches her, on her legs, whispers her bags, it’s just vivacity – Kristijan said, and then Chorba continued.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Here’s why Alex started screaming this morning. I can’t, there are many situations, but here is the new one. I made that breakfast, I also make them coffee, I’m glad. Alex gets up and looks at the egg, says whether to go fry another egg, then he says he can’t until he drinks coffee and says she’s gentle, so her mother was spoiled, and could she play a round at 5 in the tomorrow in Bujanovac? Chorba asked.

He didn’t play cars, he had all the living conditions there. I wake up, I wake up in premenstrual syndrome, I don’t have a cigarette, I constantly have to ask someone for something, I can’t function until I have coffee. What I did in Bujanovac, I did, now what? – shouted Nikolić.

After Big boss sent drinks to co-workers after the truth game, Fran Pujas decided to share his box with Sanja Stanković, Monika Horvat and Nenad Aleksić Ša.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

During the truth game, Sanja asked Fran to reveal his opinion about her, which he did, so she seems to have forgotten everything he had done to her before, so she agreed to be on the team with him.

Take Panić I was sneezing in Kristijan Golubovićbecause of their argument, which he claimed had gone on for days. However, and Fran Pujas Panić attacked him, so it could be concluded that he showed a lot of jealousy towards him.

I got up to say, just because I wanted to see people’s reaction and I saw it. I’m not stupid, maybe for some others, but I’m not stupid for me. It is not cheating to ask a man what the problem is, threatening to pack me for adjustments, I see that he is humiliating me for days! That’s why I said that here they comment biased, because some things know that Fran has fans, so they comment on him better than I do. Whether I have fans or not, I don’t care. Nobody will buy anything from me either, if they buy, thank you. I don’t see a single man, it’s a lot of people! Tom said.

Then Toma added in conversation with Anaconda that the cooperative members are mostly jealous of him, and that is why they do not like him when he exhibits at the black table, because they want to reduce the intensity of his story.

In the early morning Filip car he had a fit of hysteria over sharing drinks with his girlfriend Mina Vrbaški. Came to the hotel “Cooperative”, where he started yelling, yelling and hysterical because co-workers didn’t get along with him.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

I’m not Tomović, I’m not a bastard! I did not eat all day, I did not sleep, to cook for others who slept, because I am brutally hungry, Filip was furious.

Author: DB
