EVERY FIFTH PERSON IN SERBIA HAD A CROWN! Dr. Kon published the results of a new study


Research related to naturally acquired antibodies is being carried out in our country, and epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon also spoke about this.

– We have a study that has been carried out, we are waiting for it to be officially published. Around 20% of citizens have immunity, they have antibodies and that means they have been in contact with the virus. The natural solution to any pandemic is more than 60 percent of those who have immunity, either infection or immunization. We will increase vaccination immunity with the vaccine, and we also have this natural – added Dr. Kon.

So to acquire herd immunity, you need 60 percent of the population to have antibodies, and according to Dr. Kona, we are now one third of that way.

– The research was done by the INEP Institute of Epidemiology, these are the preliminary results that I heard from the Crisis Staff, a little more than 20 percent. Perhaps I expected less. Vojvodina had preliminary results of 14.6 percent. This 20 percent is not small, but it is not enough – added Kon.

How long do antibodies last?

However, as there have been cases of reinfection of the corona with the virus, the question is how long the antibodies actually survive and protect the organism.

Our researchers at the Institute for Nuclear Energy Application (INEP) in Belgrade have determined that after covid-19 infection, antibodies can remain in the body for six months to a year.

The results of our research coincide with those from abroad, which refutes the latest thesis that antibodies last three months.

As INEP researcher Dr. Marija Gnjatović recently explained, the data obtained by our researchers shows that antibodies do not fall short, as was initially believed, when the coronary virus pandemic began.

– Research has shown that antibodies remain in patients we have been monitoring since March, which means that there is no drastic drop in values ​​and based on that, it can be assumed that antibodies can be retained for up to a year. But there is more and more research from abroad confirming the same. From the beginning when the pandemic began, there was constant talk that the antibodies were disappearing rapidly, there was talk of that fall at three months, however, what I assumed happened, and that is that then unreliable tests were used, so Based on the new data, we have information that the antibodies definitely remain after six months and even longer, explained Dr. Gnjatović.

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He noted that patients with a more severe clinical picture were found to produce more antibodies, but this did not apply to all.

– A more severe clinical picture causes the production of a higher amount of antibodies, a milder clinical picture or asymptomatic cases generally have lower antibody values, but this is not the rule and does not apply to 100 percent of patients . So we also have asymptomatic cases without any symptoms that have developed high levels of antibodies. For most patients, for 95 percent of them, a heavier clinical picture will cause a greater amount of antibodies, and a lighter picture for a lesser amount, in five percent of other patients, will develop more different, says Dr. Gnjatović.

After the first wave, the population infection rate was 6.4 percent, and today, when we are in the third wave, it is considered to be around 20 percent.

– This is undoubtedly the third increase in the number of infected, we cannot talk about specific data because it has not yet been collected, but my assumption based on the follow-up of the epidemiological study is that we are around 20%, which is not yet enough to gain herd immunity. Herd immunity probably will not occur before the vaccine enters the market and its application, but the fact is that the population is now going through an infection phase, explains Dr. Gnjatović.

Vaccine and immunity

In addition to natural immunity, another way to protect ourselves is vaccination. Although it was thought that we would not receive the vaccine before next year, there is now increasing talk about its early arrival.

According to what we hear from the authorities and the president, it will probably arrive before the end of the year and in greater numbers. The readiness plan should start to work because it’s a logistically huge job, Dr. Kon said today.

The companies “Pfizer” and “Bayontek” recently announced that their vaccine is 90 percent efficient, and a certain dose of vaccines from these manufacturers, according to the announcements, should also reach Serbia.

The good thing is that our country has signed a contract with Pfizer, and when it arrives, the vaccine will be available first to healthcare workers, members of the military, police, as well as citizens who do not belong to these groups, but are also a priority.

– I promise that we will try to acquire, not 30,000, but 500,000 to a million vaccines by the end of the year, to try to help health, I am not interested in what vaccine it will be – said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.


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