“EVERY DAY IS MORE DIFFICULT FOR US, WE HAVE TO BE RELEASED” The family of Stefan Filić beaten to death about an encounter with young people suspected of a crime


The main trial for the murder of 18-year-old Stefan Filić of Velika Plana, in which the main defendants are Nikola B. (20) and Mitar P. (20), will take place today before the High Court of Smederevo .

The unfortunate young man, these two thugs, were beaten on February 2 of this year in front of the “Shipwreck” club, for no reason. Stefan’s aunt tells “Blic” that the whole family is in a great spasm before the trial due to fear that the killers could be acquitted.

– As time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult for us … We are all under great stress before the trial and we just hope that they are not released and that they do not miss something. It is difficult for us every time we have to see the murderers of our son, said Stefan Filić’s aunt for “Blic”.

Stefan Filić Photo: Private archive

Stefan Filić

In front of the Smederevo High Court, as he himself says, Stefan’s friends who he went to school with, relatives, but also acquaintances of the Filić family will meet tomorrow.

– We want to support our parents and show everyone that Filići is not alone, that there are more people around us who are fighting for justice to be done – declared his aunt.

As the aunt said, the family is finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the loss of a young and talented life.

Nikola B.Photo: Social networks

Nikola B.

– Only now, after almost 9 months since his death, do we understand what he was and how difficult it is for us without him. Stefan’s mother, my daughter-in-law, is in a very emotional state, she has difficulties with the sedatives she has to take. Father Nenad is the one who fights to save the family – says the aunt.

The suspect’s family wanted to apologize

According to the aunt, the father of the defendant Nikola B., tried to contact the Filić family several times, but they refused.

– I suppose they want to apologize, because their father understands guilt, but what do we have now of that apology when our Stefan no longer exists. In contrast, Mitar P.’s family never confessed to the crime, nor did Mitar himself. He constantly denied his crimes. We just hope he is not released and does something like that again – says his aunt.

Mitar P.Photo: Social networks

Mitar P.

He was beaten to death because he tried to defend his younger brother

It should be remembered that Stefan was beaten to death by two thugs in Velika Plana, because he wanted to defend his younger brother and another, whom Nikola B. and Mitar P. attacked first. Stefan wanted to defuse the situation, but the conflict escalated. While lying on the sidewalk, according to the indictment, the defendant Nikola B. kicked him in the head. The unfortunate Stefan, a graduate of the Velika Plana Faculty of Economics, died as a result of injuries inflicted by the perpetrators.

Nikola B. and Mitar P. were questioned at the Velika Plana Public Prosecutor’s Office after their arrest, but were later suspected of causing serious bodily harm. However, after the death of Stefan Filić, all the circumstances of the event were considered, so the case passed to the jurisdiction of the Smederevo Superior Prosecutor’s Office, which accuses the detainees of aggravated homicide, for which they are threatened with al least ten years in prison or life imprisonment.
