Every day I receive PHOTOS of STUDENTS and teachers without masks, we will not tolerate that


We will not tolerate even the slightest violation of the measures. No relaxation. Students should be responsible, teachers even more, and principals more, because they have the greatest responsibility. During the first three days of classes, I already changed three principals, in Belgrade, Pancevo and Nis. Indirectly, his dismissal has to do with the failure to comply with the measures, but that was not the only reason.

Thus commented the Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, on the allegations that high school students do not wear masks and that this represents a great risk of contagion. The minister said that he himself received images every day showing students, including teachers without masks, and warned that he would react to such a case.

He points out that active meetings of rectors were held yesterday in many school administrations, and in others they will be held on Monday, when the supervision of the educational inspection will be intensified.

– Education is a large system and if one percent of teachers relaxed and violated the measures, it would be 1,300 teachers. If that were one percent of the students, we would have 8,500 unruly, which is a huge epidemiological risk. I will use all legal possibilities not to allow that. Due to the irresponsible minority, I do not want the shadow to fall on the vast majority who do their job conscientiously – Šarčević pointed out.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

By the way, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon warned that high school students do not wear masks, he writes “Novosti”.

Kon: The crown could explode in high schools

– The crown could explode in secondary schools, where students do not comply with the obligation to wear masks. It is reported from all sides that, unlike the founders, high school students go out into the schoolyard and socialize without masks, and that is something that is happening on a larger scale.

Aleksandar Markov, president of the Belgrade Gymnasium Forum, reacted to Dr. Kona’s warning and asked:

Did Dr. Predrag Kon think high school students would listen to him, like they do in the military and wear masks? There are other rules in schools and the rules of children are respected.

Markov also admits that there is a problem with the use of masks, but also adds that the Forum warned that there would be problems in applying the recommended measures.

– On vacation, children do not wear masks and do not keep their distance. There are also teachers who find it difficult to accept the constant use of masks, says Markov.

About student applications on Tuesday

Student representatives and the Serbian Government yesterday discussed the demands of academics to, among other things, reduce tuition fees and allow budget enrollment with less than 48 ECTS points. They also asked that the start of the school year be postponed in the faculties that organize extraordinary covid deadlines. As we have learned, Education Minister Mladen Šarčević will discuss these issues with Prime Minister Ana Brnabić on Monday, and a meeting of all stakeholders will be held in the Rector’s Office on Tuesday.

– Among the applications sent by students, the government is responsible for reducing the number of points for enrollment in the next year. For everything else, including tuition fees, the faculties make the decision themselves, says UB Vice-Rector for Students Jagoš Stojanović.

VIDEO: What will schools be like on September 1?
