Europe is behind on the measures, so now they are breaking black records


The director of the World Health Organization office in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, says that the coronavirus epidemic has broken out again and that it is very important to introduce new restrictive measures in a timely manner.

The director of the World Health Organization office in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, told RTS that Israel, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Belgium, the Netherlands and France are currently the most affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Europe.

“We still have many countries that hit record numbers of new cases every day and introduce additional measures. Unfortunately, many of them seem to be late. We fell asleep during the summer, everything looked great and then the epidemic broke out again,” says Ivanusa. .

It points out that it is therefore very important that new measures are introduced in a timely manner, both in Serbia and throughout Europe.

We are threatened with up to five times more deaths

“If we do not stop this wave in Europe, we will have about five times more deaths daily in January than in April, and we know how terrible it was in April this year,” emphasizes Ivanuša.

He points out that prevention is always better than cure, although everyone is already tired of restrictive measures.

“Many people have learned and accepted everyday habits that protect them from the virus: keeping physical distance, wearing masks, hand hygiene and avoiding going to places where crowds gather, drink something, relax and unfortunately spread the virus,” he says Ivanusa.

“We are still a long way from herd immunity”

Marijan Ivanuša explains that the increase in the number of infected people in Serbia shows a trend, but that already at this time many more people can become infected because they will develop symptoms only in a week.

“If the new measures are not put in place now, the infected people would spread the virus, so after two weeks we would have a very difficult situation,” Ivanusa warns.

Photo: Profimedia

He points out that there is still no herd immunity to coronavirus, and that 90 percent of people are still susceptible because they were not infected.

“Herd immunity would mean that between 60 and 70 percent of people are resistant to the virus. We are still very far from that,” emphasizes Ivanusa.

He says “herd immunity” is the goal, but only if it is achieved safely, with a vaccine.

“All the countries that have tried to achieve herd immunity through infection have realized that the price is too high. They have very high mortality, very high costs and challenges for the health system. Therefore, that’s not the way to go. The vaccine is the way to go. available, “says Marijan Ivanuša.
