The EU is still trying to agree on a new round of high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.
Source: Tanjug

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This mainly requires the willingness of the two parties to agree on a date and an agenda, they unofficially claim in Brussels.
“It was difficult to announce it on our part, when the willingness to agree on a date and an agenda depends on the two main actors. For now, the meeting of the main negotiators is safe on Monday ”, according to diplomatic sources in Brussels.
It is added that the date of the next meeting of Vui and Hoti within the dialogue “will depend to a great extent on how the negotiators meeting goes on Monday.”
When asked if there are problems with the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brussels said unofficially that “there would be problems if the two sides stopped talking”, but this is not the case at the moment.
The European Commission today announced the schedule of events for next week, in which a meeting of the EU’s head of diplomacy, Osep Borel, with President Aleksandar Vui and the so-called Prime Minister is scheduled for September 29. Kosovo by Avdulah Hoti.
Unofficially, Special Representative Miroslav Lajak’s cabinet said it was a “Greek” issue.