EU MUST BEHAVE LIKE SERBIA: Slovenian politician criticizes the policy of purchasing vaccines in the European Union, for which he referred to our country


He said in an interview that he sent an invitation to the Prime Minister because Slovaks should have the opportunity to choose between the preparations against the corona virus that come from the West and the East.

“If the Hungarians can do that, so can the Slovaks,” he said.

When asked how he sees the approach of the Serbian authorities, who provided five types of vaccines for the population, through which citizens can choose what preparation they want to be vaccinated with, he said that he can only be thankful for that.

– As Serbs behave, so should the mature European Union behave and should not cling to either side – said Danko.

Regarding the European Commission’s reaction, Danko says the EC will fight against any initiative that is outside its framework.

– I am very sorry that the gentlemen of the European Commission like that the world is only the West. I ask them what they will do if there are not enough Western vaccines. This has happened before, when there was a shortage of masks and when we ordered them from China. I think it is not reasonable and that it represents a risk for EU citizens, thinks the Slovak politician.

As for the campaign against the Russian vaccine, in which discussions about the preparation are reduced to claims about Russian totalitarianism or a “hybrid threat”, as the Ukrainian Foreign Minister spoke about the Russian vaccine, Danko assessed that “Ukrainian politicians they tend to exaggerate. “

– I think it makes no sense for politics to interfere in the fight against diseases. I always believed that we would not go back to the time of the Cold War – said Danko.

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