EU assessment: Serbian economy least affected by Kovid 19 thanks to state aid package


Serbia had strong economic development before the pandemic and appears to be the only country where the pandemic will affect the economy the least.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, artjazz

Photo: Depositphotos, artjazz

The reason for this is the comprehensive package of state aid to the private sector, EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelji said today in the European Parliament.

“There is some decline in productivity and employment, but the country is struggling better than the rest of the region,” Varhelji said.

He also pointed out that the future of the entire Western Balkan region lies in the EU.

“It is in the strategic interest to bring the region to the EU as soon as possible, and Serbia has a key role in that process,” Varhelji said.

In his speech on the situation in Serbia to the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament, he stated that Serbia is the most important tracking partner of the EU in the region and that, with a clear European perspective, it has a unique responsibility for progress. of the entire region on the path of the EU.

“The new government of Serbia, headed by Prime Minister Ana Brnabi, has strong support in the Serbian Parliament and among the people,” Varhelji said.

He adds that it is encouraging for the EU that reforms on the European path and dialogue with Kosovo are the main priorities of the new government, in addition to fighting the Kovid 19 pandemic.

“I am confident that the new government will work with determination on these priorities and strengthen its process of joining the EU. This should be the Government of Reforms,” ​​says Varhelji.

Varhelji states that the EC has manifested a positive development in the field of the economy and the harmonization of Serbia with the Union legislation.

Commissioner for Enlargement announces that the new European Economic Investment Plan for the Western Balkans will support Serbia’s economic recovery, improve road and rail networks, enable it to fully fulfill “its strategic position in Europe” and generate more economic growth and employment. .

It warns that greater investment in the region’s economic growth will only be possible with the implementation of fundamental reforms in the area of ​​the rule of law and public administration.

At the conclusion of his presentation on Serbia, Oliver Varhelji emphasized that the country continues to make a positive commitment in the field of regional cooperation, citing as an example the initiative to create a regional economic market from which the path of European integration and the economic growth of the region will benefit. region.

“I am convinced that progress in these fields will open the way for Serbia to move towards new chapters in the accession negotiations with the EU, which we have been working on for a long time,” concluded Varhelji.
