ESTABLISHED IN TORONT, WORKS IN BELGRADE What is the company in the Serbian capital that Trump accused of ELECTORAL THEFT?


The automated electoral system, recently accused by incumbent President Donald Trump of helping his rival Joe Biden win the election, employs more than 250 people around the world, including in Serbia.

The branch of the Canadian company “Dominion Voting System” (DVS) in Serbia is located in Belgrade, as well as its representative office for Europe.

According to the Trade Records Agency (APR), a DVS representative office in Serbia was opened in 2005: “Belgrade Representative Office of Dominion Voting System Corporation” to better exploit the business opportunities of the European, Asian and African markets. However, in February 2011 DVS decided to establish a branch, that is, as they say, expand its services to the North American and Asian markets.

While the data about the representative office business cannot be seen on the APR website, except that it is located in the Palilula neighborhood in Belgrade, for the branch: “Dominion Voting System Corporation (Europe), Belgrade” , some more details are given.

Therefore, according to the APR website, the decision to expand the company in Belgrade was influenced by easier access to a highly skilled and experienced workforce, as well as lower operating costs.

At the end of 2019, there were 21 employees in this branch, while just a year earlier, there were 58 employees. Unlike in 2018, when the company traded at a profit of 7.5 million dinars, last year it posted a loss of 36.4 million dinars.

Tramp donaldPhoto: Patrick Semansky / Tanjug / AP

Tramp donald

According to data from the Agency for Trade Registries (APR), the company is engaged in computer programming in Serbia, that is, it provides technical support services, software development services to the parent company “Dominion Voting Systems” from Canada.

According to a previous article on the PC press portal, the development sector employees are mostly engineers with degrees in electrical engineering and organizational science.

Globally, this company, which was founded in Toronto in 2003, is recognized by “Deloitte” as one of the fastest growing companies in North America.

Employed more than 50 workers in Serbia

Although little can be learned about this company through the writing of the media, because they rarely gave statements, according to PC Press magazine, except in Toronto, the company has offices in California, Colorado, Texas, New York and Belgrade.

Four years ago, it employed more than 250 people around the world, of which about 50 were at the development center in Belgrade, mostly engineers from the ETF and FON schools in Belgrade.

Photo: M. Metlaš / RAS Serbia

At the time, the Belgrade representative office said that they did not have a simple application and that the devices they had to design required a lot of analysis and effort.

– In addition to the fact that we must comply with the specific requirements presented by a group of citizens, we must strictly ensure that the new voting method and device conforms to all regulations and is integrated into our system – said representatives of the company from Belgrade.

How the company became the center of attention

The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, accused this company of helping in the “electoral robbery”, and thus his rival Joe Biden won.

On Twitter, Trump accused the company of erasing 2.7 million votes that were allegedly in his favor and that he attributed those votes to his opponent, Joseph Biden.

However, the US media that conducted a “check” on the allegations of Trump and his supporters concluded that the “Dominion” machines did not obstruct the election and were used in only two of the five counties in Georgia and Michigan where they were observed. counting problems. votes.
