ESCAPE TO MONTENEGRO! Was the identity of the young thug from Novi Sad brutally beaten by the head of gambling security? (VIDEO)


Authentic surveillance camera video shows Ilija S. bloody beating another young man while this unconscious man lies on the ground.

Then, as this unconscious man lay on the asphalt, a score of witnesses apparently broke both his arms at the elbow and broke his neck. If he survives, the victim will be disabled for life.

According to unofficial information, the victim is the brother of the manager of “Maxbet”.

Other Maxbet security workers from the “MaxProtect” subsidiary can also be seen in the video standing on the sidelines and watching.

One of them briefly tried to drag his colleague away, but quickly withdrew. They all told reporters that they did not notice anything unusual and that there were no events.

The Novi Sad ambulance hid from the media that the young man who was the victim of the sadistic beating was transported to the Emergency Center.

The workers who were found by journalists last night in front of the building where the young man was beaten were in no mood to discuss the attack.

As they assure, “they do not know, nor have they heard that something similar has happened to them in the vicinity these days.” Nothing that is seen in the images.

Prior to this job, Ilija K. was head of security at the “Paradizo” nightclub and has already participated in several violent acts. He was quite aggressive and arrogant with his colleagues on shifts, said a Maxbet employee who insisted on being anonymous.

– Lately there have been great tensions in the company. With the onset of the pandemic, business dropped drastically and nervousness was present on every corner. We have all heard stories that the previous owner sold “Maxbet”, but nobody confirmed it to us – says this worker.


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