ERNEU GET SICK AND THE HEART OF A MOTHER CRISTIED: New shocking details of the family tragedy in the Serbian Itebej (PHOTO)


Predrag Arsić, an upstairs neighbor, discovered that something unusual was happening in his apartment, when Eržika’s grandmother, who lives in nearby Novi Itebej, came to visit her sister early in the afternoon today.

He rang the bell to no avail, and then the aforementioned neighbor came to the rescue.

– I called the police, we found the lifeless body of my grandmother in the kitchen, and only later did the police find Erne Mrdenković’s body in the bedroom – Predrag Arsić, who took care of Eržebet, told “Novosti” when her son was at work, the boat provided him with food and medicine.

– We are really shocked, they were extremely calm, peaceful people, they rarely went out to the street and in front of the building – the neighbors from the other entrance added aloud.

As Predrag Arsić confirmed to us, Erne was diabetic and in fairly poor health, as was his mother, who had heart problems for many years.

That this is not a crime and a possible murder, but a classic family tragedy, is best confirmed by the arrival of the funeral service workers, who at the time of the arrival of the reporter “Novosti” took out lifeless bodies, which were not sent. for autopsy after previous police investigation.

Apparently, and this was confirmed by the aforementioned neighbor, obviously Erneu fell ill and his mother’s heart could not bear it.

Why the old woman did not ask for help and when her death occurred will remain under a veil of secrecy.

By the time the police entered the apartment, the bodies were already dead and no traces of violence were noted in the apartment.

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