erlek: The contagion is spreading north; For now without a police ace VIDEO


The Secretary of State of the Serbian Ministry of Health, Mirsad Erlek, declared that the Serbian health system is ready to respond to epidemics.

Source: B92

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Screenshot / TV first

“At the moment, we have 23 kovid hospitals on the territory of Serbia and another temporary one – the Arena. The Serbian health care system is ready,” says Erlek.

He confirmed that the capacities of some hospitals have already been filled.

“When it comes to filling hospitals, this is especially characteristic of Belgrade. In the Infectious Diseases Clinic, the capacities are completely full, as in KBC” Dragia Miovi “: We have a little more places in Zvezdara and Zemun”, said.

He noted that the infection is moving to the north of our country.

“The contagion is spreading to the north, the good thing is that the south is holding out”,

He explained that now not all hospitals are full, unlike the first virus outbreak when we had significantly fewer patients, but also full hospitals.

“In the first and second waves, we focused on kovid 19. It was the fear of the unknown, that’s why we didn’t care so much about non-kovid patients, which is 80 to 90 percent. Now we only accept median patients age and current “. He ordered.

He also spoke about the coronavirus vaccine.

“We expect 350,000 vaccines for March, the first vaccine that will be given to health workers, the army and the police. The vaccine will be free for everyone,” he concluded.

He did not rule out the possibility of more restrictive and police measures if citizens are irresponsible, but that this will not happen for now.
