EPSTEIN EXPERIENCED HELL BEHIND THE BARS: Roommates from the prison unit revealed what the guards and prisoners were doing to him.


– Before committing suicide, Epstein felt hell – writes the “New York Daily News”, stating that he spoke with several inmates of the Metropolitan Penitentiary, where this billionaire was housed before his death.

– He said he would kill himself because the government is trying to kill him anyway – said a prisoner, whose name the newspaper did not reveal, reports RT.

Angélica López, nephew of Efraín Reyes, Epstein’s last roommate in the cell, said the notorious sex offender “was very depressed.”

“He mentioned to my uncle that he didn’t want to live anymore, and my uncle told him not to do any of that while he was in the room,” Lopez said.

According to her, the prison staff treated him inhumanely and asked Epstein to sleep on the floor.

Epstein is claimed to be the “target” of other prisoners because of his money. They allegedly threatened him, placing notes under the door threatening to kill him.

There are similar allegations regarding Gislane Maxwell, his partner, who is also in prison and is said to be suffering from poor prison conditions.


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