Belgrade – Epidemiologist and member of the crisis tab, Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi, explained the conditions under which celebrations, concerts and meetings can be organized.
Source: News

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In recent days, the health and community inspection has strengthened control over the implementation of epidemiological measures in restaurants and other facilities, so that those who do not comply with the regulations can be draconian, from 500,000 to two million dinars.
To save money, but also the health of citizens, the epidemiologist and member of the crisis tab, Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi, explains which meetings are allowed and under what conditions.
“When it comes to restaurants and cafes, it is important to travel for two things: if the meeting is indoors, a mask must be worn, and inside and outside there is a distance of at least five feet, two, four squares per person sitting. . There is no limit to the number of people if you observe the distance. The same applies to the interior of the cafeteria. Only by eating and drinking can the mask be removed. When sitting outside no mask is required, but distance must be respected. Hand disinfection and hygiene. they are mandatory for everyone, ”said this epidemiologist from Kurir, as reported by Novosti.
Add that code to the gigs, ie. musical events, in a smaller building a limit of up to 30 people due to space, and in a larger space it can be up to 500 people, if there are conditions for four square meters per person
“What happened at the weekend in Vrnjacka Banja, at the concert of the singer Teodora Dehverova, is strange, there was no distance, no masks were used. At least they will get sick, if not already. Although they are all young, they will have asymptomatic one photo or some light photo. We also had young people with difficult clinical pictures, some died “, warns Tiodorovi about the danger of concerts where the physics of distance is not respected and adds:
“The meeting of up to 500 people is allowed for cultural events. It also means pop music, but you must know who is the organizer who is obliged to control and ensure the distance both in the public and with the orchestra and artists. It can be in rafts and clubs, but they are not cultural institutions, but entertainment and catering and for them there is usually a limit of 30. They can ask for consent to perform concerts and they will probably get it in the next crisis taboo, but with the obligation that the organizer responds that there is a distance between audiences, “says Theodore.