Epidemiological measures are mostly violated in CAFES AND SHOPPING CENTERS and the number of citizen complaints has tripled


The Undersecretary of Health for Inspection Affairs, Goran Stamenkovic, said that during the previous seven days 1,300 inspections of compliance with epidemiological measures were carried out, during which almost 90 infractions were registered due to irresponsibility of restaurant owners, shopping center managers and other legal persons.

He stated that the measures are most frequently violated in catering facilities and shopping malls.

Regarding the punishment, Stamenković said that it is mainly the responsibility of legal persons and businessmen who are subject to health supervision and who do not respect the measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

CafesPhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia


He added that in the last seven days, citizens have reported more frequently those who do not apply the prescribed measures.

– There were almost three times more calls, petitions and requests from citizens. Dissatisfaction exists with the behavior of certain businessmen, certain legal entities that do not respect the measures, due to the number of visitors to the facilities – said Stevanović during a guest appearance on RTS Daily.

He emphasized that all those who do not respect the measures will be punished to the maximum.

– Without a doubt, each legal person will receive fines of 500,000 dinars and we hope that all the misdemeanor courts will supervise our activities, as it should be in this situation, given that we are all in an epidemiologically very important situation and at a time that can be crucial . in the next ten days – Stevanović pointed out.

“30 new inspectors will be hired”

He stated that the number of inspectors cannot affect the observance of the measures and emphasized that 30 new inspectors will be hired.

– On these days, the competition procedure will be completed. In the next month, we will have to announce a new competition process – said Stevanović.

MallPhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia


He appealed to citizens, entrepreneurs and owners of catering services.

– Everyone knows the measurements, everyone is already familiar, they speak it every day. Let’s not only be responsible enough, but also conscientious and disciplined enough just because in the coming month we must protect the healthcare system and protect our health and our environment and prevent kovid from spreading among us, Stevanovic said.

He assessed that sanitary inspectors, such as health guards, justify their role and expressed the hope that, when there are 200 inspectors, they can be more operational.
