Engel: Kosovo is independent, it’s time for Serbia to continue – the world


The chairman of the US Congressional Foreign Relations Committee, Eliot Engel, said today during the debate on the political approaches that the administration of President-elect Joseph Biden could apply to the Western Balkans that it is time for Serbia to continue and that Kosovo is independent And it will never come back

Engel: Kosovo is independent, time for Serbia to move forward 1Photo: EPA-EFE / J. Scott Applewhite POOL

“Blocking the recognition of Kosovo’s independence in countries around the world and membership in the United Nations only hinders Serbia on the way to the European Union, which will not happen until it recognizes Kosovo’s independence,” Engel said, reports Voice of America.

He called on Serbia to do it once and for all, so that the peoples of the region, regardless of their nationality, ethnic origin or religion, become citizens of Europe, which is a right they deserve, along with the French, Germans and other brothers from all over the continent.

“Serbia has its problems, above all its strong relationship with Russia. As US Ambassador Hoyt Yi said, Serbia cannot sit in two chairs at the same time.” As stated in the report of our Defense Secretariat, the rapprochement of Moscow to Belgrade has happened mainly since President Vučić took office, “Engel said.

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