END OF CROWDS TO ZLATIBOR: Reconstruction in mid-October


Until then, according to the announcements by Zoran Drobnjak, director of the EP “Roads of Serbia”, the reconstruction of this part of the main road will be completed.

Let us remind you, at the end of August, the section from Ovčar Banja to Užice was completely completed, and works are currently underway at Bela Zemlja and Sušica.

It is very difficult to carry out the works, while the traffic is continuous, that is why there were many oscillations regarding the completion date. A section is being built, section by section, and on August 31 the first one leading to Užice was put into service. The asphalting works on the second section will be completed in a maximum of 15 days, and only the bridges remain to be finished, and we expect everything to be completed by mid-October – said Drobnjak in Čačak on Thursday, emphasizing that the works on this section They are necessary because no investment has been made in road infrastructure for years. – Nothing has changed in more than 15 years, which is why the asphalt is worn and the roads in poor condition. We want to provide the best conditions for drivers, so I hope you understand this due to the current delays.

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