Ena Nedić: Napredniks are like a sect, I have never bottled for SNS – Society


A Serbian language and literature teacher, who burned her diploma three days ago in front of the Assembly, speaks for Danas

Ena Nedić: Napredniks are like a sect, I have never bottled for SNS 1Photo: N1

Only then can something change. A lot of lies have been told about me in the past two days, but I didn’t want to comment on anything. Everyone has the right to their own judgment and it is easier to judge others we do not know than to change something in their lives and be a better person, says Ena Nedic, a teacher of Serbian language and literature, who burned her diploma in front of the Assembly three years ago. days. a system in which young and educated people have no perspective, “while the worst among us are in the highest state positions.”

Nedic was a member of the Movement for the Renewal of the Serbian Kingdom (POKS) for two years, working fictionally at the Novi Sad Youth Theater, while during that time he worked in the information service. According to his own confession, he left the Movement when they supported Aleksandar Vučić, and learned at the same time that Andrej Vučić was in fact financing the apparently oppositional party of the monarchists.

On the other hand, POKS spoke yesterday, denying her accusations and emphasizing that she was silent that before joining the monarchists, the professor was a member of the SNS. In an interview with Danas, Ana Nedic does not deny it.

– I have never bottled for the SNS, nor voted for them. I was a member for six months and was disappointed. I realized it was a sect. At the time, I was a licensed teacher, a single father, rejected in all competitions, without kindergarten, the boy was on the machines due to asthma. The reason for joining was a job in the profession, but when I saw what I got into, I ran away with my head anyway, says Nedić.

He then joined POKS, receiving assurances that they would go to the polls on their own and that they would be in opposition.

– However, that did not happen. They are now on the “For our children” list and that is a shame enough for them. I am not ashamed of anything, I am proud to have understood the domain of fraud and lies and to have left it all last year. I worked between 10 and 15 hours once a day, without weekends, without benefits, with salaries lower than education, I worked in the service of information, review, writing press releases at the national level, education and protocol, conferences. .. – says our interlocutor. She adds that she did not lie to anyone, nor did she “bother”, although she also understands them, because, she points out, they are mostly unhappy people who were forced to do that job because of the pain.

– At POKS, I mainly wrote press releases. He did not know that the SNS was behind them and that all the votes of the monarchists and the people eager for the change went to the coffers of the SNS. I received confirmation that Andrej Vučić and Nikola Selaković are participating in everything, and the rest of the story continues. Four of my colleagues resigned and the last colleague, a journalist, died in inexplicable circumstances. Sadness – says Nedic.

When asked if there is evidence of his claims that Andrej Vučić and Selaković have the main financial voice in POKS, he replied in the affirmative: “Yes, 12 hours of audio material.”

POKS President Zika Gojkovic said the day before yesterday that his former party colleague has now joined “an opposition party advocating a boycott,” which our interlocutor strongly denies.

– Absolutely not, I would say that publicly! Serbia’s problem is supraparty and is above any policy at the moment. We are destroyed, the statistics made by the amateur government in all fields are tragicomic. An ordinary citizen asks nothing, looks at the position of mothers, invalids, Serbian peasants, students, working conditions of medical personnel, the army, the police who give their lives for misery and a handful of misery, he emphasizes.

The opposition is criticized for not being united in these difficult times.

– I do not divide people by parts, but as they are. I know people from the SNS who have been there since the foundation, while the progressives were the opposition, who have dedicated their whole lives to education and training, which are worth as individuals, and I think they will find their way in this disaster. I support the work of all sincere opposition organizations, civic initiatives, fronts and individuals. Diplomacy must return to Serbian politics, and corruption must be reduced when it can no longer disappear. As I said, he was there in the uniform of a common citizen and I support all those who come out with their experiences against this government, wherever they belong, says Nedic.

According to her own testimony, our interlocutor was a victim of sexual harassment and harassment while working at POKS, about which, according to her, there is evidence. For now, it has not been addressed to the authorities.

– My family and friends knew and witnessed the same thing. I did not report, I leave it to the court if it happens, many of my colleagues suffer the same. I didn’t even want to start anything, I just left, I thought I’d forget, but I didn’t, it hurt and it’s hard for me even today. But when I saw that nothing was changing in society and heard the confessions of the people who mattered to me, when I learned that they still asked me where I was, what I was doing and how much I earned, I published inserts from hell to protect myself and my family, our interlocutor.

Although he doesn’t currently have a job in the profession, he manages to check part-time, maintain websites, and deal with copywriting. She admits that her greatest love is working with children and pedagogical work, but currently she focuses on the fight to change the system “at least at the cost of life.”

Negative feedback

Due to the work he did, there were numerous negative comments about his graduation. Among them, the comment of the playwright Biljana Srbljanović stood out.

– Srbljanović probably has his reasons for not coming in, and the right to his opinion. I couldn’t comment on the actions of people I don’t know and let it continue like this. I know what the truth is and I don’t need anyone’s recognition, nor can I change it so that someone likes that truth. 5G Network and Srebrenica: I honestly don’t understand what this is about. BOT? – says our interlocutor.

Because right now?

In Serbia, everything is for sale: diplomas, children, organs, jobs, territories, votes, dignity, everything that should not have a price. The purpose of my action was to point this out. If my destructive gesture contributed to only one person coming to, imagining and waking up from this nightmare, it was not in vain. Because right now? What was the trigger? Not so much a personal experience as a general condition. People close to me are struggling, they are asked for votes and daily commitment to stay in their jobs. I have a job, I can be at home and see my work, and how about I go out and squint – says Danas’s interlocutor.

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