At today’s meeting, representatives of the Serbian Employers’ Union and the trade unions failed to reach a compromise on the amount of the minimum price for labor in the coming year and remained in their previous positions.
The Employers Union announcement states that employers remain ready for a compromise solution, but insist that it must be sustainable, that is, it must not jeopardize the business of a large number of companies.
During the negotiations, the unions demanded an increase in the price of labor to 37,000 dinars, while the union representatives expressed the position of the economy that there were no conditions for the increase and that the Covid-19 pandemic put in serious jeopardy to the company’s business in Serbia.
Government representatives, that is, sectoral ministries, proposed an increase in the minimum price of labor in the range of four to six percent.
“The Serbian Employers’ Union continues to express its readiness to a medium solution, according to which the minimum cost of labor would be increased by no more than six percent, but on the condition that a package of labor is adopted at the same time. measures that reduce business costs, taxes and contributions by at least one percent, an increase in the non-taxable portion of income, as well as the abolition of parafiscal levies that represent a great cost to the company, “says the statement .
They are convinced that a sustainable and justified decision will be made in the long term.
Talks about the minimum will continue on September 14 at the session of the Economic and Social Council.
“We believe that together with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance we will continue working to improve the business environment of the national economy, because it is necessary not only to increase wages, but also to preserve and increase jobs,” said the director of the Union of Employers of Serbia. Srdjan Drobnjakovic.

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Author: delivery courier