Employees of some schools do not wear masks, the greatest responsibility of principals


The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mladen Šarčević, said today that he is satisfied with the conduct of the classes during the first week of the new school year and stressed that the main responsibility lies with the school directors.

“I have to be satisfied, and today will be the weekly report that I will present to the crisis staff. Personally, I think we did well,” Sarcevic told Serbian Radio and Television (RTS).

Šarčević said that the main responsibility for implementing measures in schools rests with principals, adding that there are examples of employees in some schools not wearing masks.

He pointed out that any such infraction can lead to the dismissal of the school principal, and that there are already complaints about his work.

“Inspections have already been made in some schools and they have been warned. Everyone has the right to a warning,” he stressed.

Speaking about the realization of distance learning, Šarčević said that the video content of the September and October classes was recorded, but that it represents a reservation.


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