Employees in travel agencies: the state should help, we face bankruptcy


The employees of the travel agencies held a protest in front of the Serbian Government and the Assembly, asking the state to help them so that they could continue working. They point out that they are practically on the verge of bankruptcy due to the coronavirus.

Travel agency employees across most of Serbia say they are unhappy that the state has done nothing to protect them since the pandemic began. As they say, since March they have practically no income. That is why they ask that the state be activated and that it help them to start working normally.

“We ask the state to help us, considering that our branch is the most threatened, we almost ran out of income.”

“There is general misery happening and I, as a tourist worker, have been very outraged for so long.”

“We were literally bankrupt, many have already lost their jobs, we are fighting for our workers, we are fighting for our work that we love,” said those gathered.

Tour guides also point out that their business is in danger. Because, as they say, travel agencies cannot function without them.

“In what sense are we perhaps in a slightly worse position? Because our work is seasonal, we work mainly from March to November and the big problem is actually that very few guides have a permanent job, especially as tour guides, our The law allows us to work on temporary and occasional employment contracts, in the activity of author, and the state did not recognize us in that sense ”, says the tourist guide Milica Lenasi.

The director of the National Association of Tourist Organizations of Serbia, Aleksandar Senicic, says that it is inadmissible that the authorities do not respond to the appeal of the employees, because, as he says, due to the current situation, many travel agencies can be expected to lose Their job possitions.

“So far we have sent countless requests or requests for help to the relevant ministry and to the Prime Minister and President Aleksandar Vučić, unfortunately we have not received any reply, this is just a picture of a catastrophic situation that travel agencies find themselves in . companies, guides, we do not receive any sectoral aid, “says Aleksandar Seničić from YUTA.

Employees of the trust agency say that if authorities do not respond to their requests, they will radicalize the protest in the coming days.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
