EMERGENCY VACCINATION INTRODUCED IN SERBIA: This is when immunization against corona could be mandatory


It may also be mandatory for certain categories, mainly healthcare workers and chronically elderly patients, such as vaccination against influenza.

The Assembly of Serbia approved amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases. In addition to home quarantine, home isolation, mandatory personal protection measures, the most effective punishment for non-compliance with anti-epidemic measures, it will also allow extraordinary vaccination against diseases that cause epidemics.

Immunization can be recommended or mandatory for certain categories of the population, and the decision is made by the Minister of Health.

The document containing the amendments to the Law, which was adopted this morning by the Parliamentary Health Commission, and tonight by the deputies in the Serbian Parliament, says that in Article 33, paragraph 2 is modified and that now it literally says :

– In the event of an epidemic of a contagious disease determined in article 32, paragraph 3 of this Law or another contagious disease, the recommended or mandatory emergency immunization against that contagious disease may be determined for all people, that is, for certain categories of people, if the danger of transmission of said contagious disease, as well as in the case of introduction of a certain contagious disease to the country, in accordance with the plans for elimination and maintenance of the eradication status of certain contagious diseases.


In practice, this means that vaccination against infectious diseases, currently the coronavirus, can be recommended to all citizens. It may be mandatory for certain categories, mainly for health workers and elderly chronic patients, such as vaccination against influenza.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar also said today in the Serbian Assembly that the changes propose the introduction of extraordinary immunization, and that it can be implemented at the proposal of the line minister.


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