Emergency situation in Prokuplje, 8 new infected in Vranje


In Serbia, a total of 36,282 people have been infected with the coronavirus so far, 778 have died and 1,241,864 people have been tested.

Due to the growth in the number of infected people in Serbia, as of Monday, the Belgrade Arena is ready to receive patients with kovida-19.

photo: Covid19.rs Printscreen

13.06-11 newly infected people in Machvan district

Eleven new positive samples for the crown were confirmed this Monday in the Macvan district area, the Sabac Institute of Public Health announced today. Five infected people are from Šabac and Loznica, and after a long time, there is one positive person from Bogatić. That’s nearly half the positive total in the past seven days, Oct. 12-18, when the district had a total of 24 confirmed cases. As for Loznica, it had fourteen positives in the previous seven days, and now on day five, so it is not impossible for the crown to slowly take off again, as will be seen in the following days. The number of patients has also increased by five and there are now a total of 37 in the district. Yesterday, 38 patients were examined in the Triage Center of the “Dr Milenko Marin” Health Center, and 21 in the outpatient department of the Department of Infectious Diseases, and for 15 of them it was the first examination. (T. Ilic)

photo: Courier

12.33- Emergency situation in Prokuplje

The headquarters for emergency situations in Prokuplje today declared an emergency situation in the area of ​​the city due to the danger of spreading the corona with the virus. A statement after the headquarters session states that the emergency situation was introduced “due to a significant increase in the number of examinations of patients with respiratory problems, as well as those infected with the kovid 19 virus.” “To prevent further spread of the infection, it is necessary to adopt emergency measures about which the population will be periodically informed, as well as all important events of importance for protection and rescue, as well as the cessation of dangers for which they are declared a state of emergency, “the statement said. (Beta)

12.14 – 8 patients were hospitalized in Novi Pazar

A total of eight patients were hospitalized at the regional covid center in Novi Pazar. The total number of exams in the Kovid clinic of the Novi Pazar Health Center is 38, of which 18 are the first and 20 are control exams.

11.33 – Eight new patients in Vranje

According to the latest data from the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations in Vranje, out of 37 samples, 9 people are positive for the coronavirus, of which 8 are from Vranje and one from Kosovska Kamenica. 34 patients were hospitalized at the Kovid hospital of the Vranje Health Center, of which 15 tested positive for coronavirus. There are 25 patients with bronchopneumonia and 10 with oxygen. There are no children among those hospitalized, and the current number of free beds is 146. On Monday 97 examinations were carried out in the ATV ambulance and the total number of first examinations was 38. Blood samples were taken in 66 patients and 50 x-rays were taken of the lungs. 21 PCR tests and 58 rapid tests were performed and bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in 4 patients. (TS)

photo: TS

10.30 – At Užice Hospital 2 on respirators

Six positive and suspected covid-19 patients were hospitalized at Uzice General Hospital, five are in intensive care, two of which are connected to respirators, said the PR of the Uzice Health Center, Danijela Vasiljevic. Yesterday there were two fewer patients in intensive care. Vasiljevic also claimed that 19 patients were housed in kovid’s temporary hospital in Krcagovo, six more than yesterday.

10.12 – Kon: The third peak can last 16 weeks

The corona virus in all the countries of Serbia shows great potential and is transmitted rapidly, because we are entering the autumn-winter period when it is most active, says epidemiologist Predrag Kon, adding that the third peak can last from 12 to 16 weeks.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon estimated today that in Belgrade, Kragujevac “and even Valjevo” there will be an increase in the number of crowns newly infected with the virus in the next period.

9.47 – Sazdanović: Apocalyptic scenario if we do not adhere to the measures

The director of the Clinical Center in Kragujevac, Dr. Predrag Sazdanović, explained how the situation will develop if “we do not remember” and that the epidemic is slowly waking up in all parts of Serbia.

9.07 – Lalošević: The scanner shows what the x-ray does not show

The head of the KBC diagnostic-radiological center, Dragisa Misovic Djordje Lalosevic, said that the scanners were important to monitor patients with covid and to determine the type of therapy.

8.41 – Professor Kočović for Kurir: In five days, Serbia will be in the purple zone

Professor Petar Kočović points out to Kurir that Serbia will soon move into the worst zone of the purple crown, although it has been officially in the zone of the red crown since Sunday. By the way, according to the data regularly published by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Serbia has 30 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, so it is in the red zone.


The World Health Organization states on its official website that the virus begins with a fever, followed by a dry cough, and after a week causes shortness of breath, and then patients need hospital treatment. Some of the symptoms that are also listed are headache, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

Regarding temperature, the WHO states that there is usually a gradual increase in body temperature. In people with weaker immunity, in older people and young children, there is a possibility that this virus can affect the lower respiratory organs, which is why pneumonia or bronchitis can develop.

Make sure you take precautions

* Avoid contact with people who show signs of respiratory infection (cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever);

* Avoid mass meetings and stays in a space where there are a large number of people;

* Increase hand hygiene (wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if this is not possible, use alcoholic gels to disinfect hands, especially after contact with sick people or staying in a potentially dangerous area;

* It is recommended to wear masks before the mouth and nose if staying in an area where there are massive concentrations;

* It is mandatory to comply with the protection measures against the transmission of infections in all people who experience symptoms of respiratory infection.

* Avoid contact with live or dead domestic or wild animals.


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