Emergency situation also in Vrbas, online classes until December 1


An emergency situation has been declared in the municipality of Vrbas, and due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation, as of today, all primary, secondary and higher education institutions in the area of ​​that municipality will go to online classes in the next 15 days.

The headquarters for emergency situations of the municipality of Vrbas announced that it took the measure of the transition from schools to online classes in order to protect the health of students and employees in educational institutions, it is stated in the conclusion of the headquarters published on the municipality’s website.

Likewise, the decision was made that the preschool institution “Boško Buha” only attend children whose parents are employed and in whose immediate family there are no people positive for the coronavirus, as well as those who are in self-isolation due to contact with infected people.

The Commander of the Emergency Situations Headquarters in Vrbas, Predrag Rojevic, announced that more than 160 examinations were carried out on kovid-19 in the last three days, of which a positive result was confirmed in 104 patients.

As you said, 876 exams were conducted in the last seven days.

The headquarters for emergency situations of the municipality of Vrbas prescribed that catering facilities, facilities for special purposes such as betting houses or wedding halls, can operate until 9:00 p.m., as well as that a maximum of 15 people can attend funerals .

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation, today it is and a state of emergency was declared in Bela Palanka, it was announced from the Municipal Administration.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
