EMERGENCY EVACUATION IN LESKOVAC: The smell of smoke spread to the top of “Osmospratnica” (PHOTO)


The main electricity supplies in the basement of the building were burned, but the timely reaction of the competent city institutions and the Leskovac “Elektrodistribucija” team prevented further damage. Members of the Fire and Rescue Unit quickly arrived at the scene, but their intervention was not necessary.

Photo: I. Mitrić

– There was a breakdown in the electrical installations, due to their deterioration. The building’s main electricity supplies were burned. At the moment the smoke was felt, as a precaution, all the employees and citizens who were found there were evacuated. The “Elektrodistribucija” team quickly cut the power, and we hope that a new team will arrive soon, which will fix the fault, said Miloš Cvetanović, head of the Leskovac City Administration.

Photo: I. Mitrić

He explained that the smell of burning and smoke quickly spread to the entire building through the elevator housing under which the main power supply failed. Because of that, the smell of burning was felt in the highest parts of the eight-story building, but there was no danger to employees and citizens.

Photo: I. Mitrić

– Our Department of General Affairs also has a Department of Emergency Situations, which reacted quickly. They called in the firefighters and workers who cut the electricity, so that the danger of further damage was eliminated with a timely reaction – said Cvetanović.

Photo: I. Mitrić

He expects the facility malfunction to be eliminated during the day and for all employees to continue working normal hours starting tomorrow.

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