Embassy: Azerbaijan awaits Serbian support in Nagorno Karabakh


Farewell of Azerbaijani soldiers from Baku

The Azerbaijani Embassy in Belgrade announced that all actions taken by that country are in conflict with Armenia within its own internationally recognized borders, and that it expects Serbia to be on its side in that conflict.

“Considering that Azerbaijan has supported Serbia’s position on Kosovo on the international stage since 2008, and calling for constant and simultaneous mutual support for the Declaration on Friendly Relations and Strategic Partnership between Azerbaijan and Serbia and the Joint Action Plan for Strategic Partnership,” Azerbaijan party hopes that the Serbian side will provide support and make a statement on this issue, “the statement said.

The embassy of that country affirms that on September 27 the Armed Forces of Armenia began firing with large caliber weapons, mortars and artillery of various calibers along the separation line.

According to data from the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, there are deaths and injuries among the civilian population and military personnel, and serious damage was inflicted on civilian homes and facilities.

In order to prevent further military aggression from Armenia and guarantee the security of the densely populated areas along the separation line, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan are taking counteroffensive and reciprocal measures, within the right to self-defense and in full compliance with international humanitarian law, they added.

“Full responsibility for the situation rests with the political-military leadership of Armenia,” the Embassy said in a statement.

The Nagorno-Karabakh Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict began with open territorial claims by Armenians over Azerbaijan’s historic lands and ethnic provocations in 1988, and in late 1991 and early 1992, the conflict entered a military phase, the statement added.

Armenia’s military aggression resulted in the occupation of almost 20% of Azerbaijan’s territory, according to the Embassy.
