EIGHTS IN SCHOOL SINCE JUNE 1 Šarčević on all DETAILS ON SMALL GRADUATION, improving grades and what applies to high school students


The small graduation will take place on June 17, 18 and 19. In order for eighth grade students to fulfill their obligations as easily as possible, even before the matriculation exam, they will take tests similar to official assignments. They will be taken in classrooms in small groups.

Online classes will end soon, and the schedule will begin June 1, where students will be able to improve their grades if they are not satisfied, but also for high school graduates to pass another important exam. It is important to note that there is no return to school due to regular classes.

– First about what is most important, and are the epidemiological procedures. The same will apply to all schools and primary and secondary schools: disinfection of the space, arrival in small groups and at different times, the work of the school from morning to afternoon, that is, from 8 to 20 hours, to have an environment with the fewest people in one place. – The Minister for Education and Science, Mladen Šarčević, says “Blic”.

Eight go to school first

The Minister and his team made a schedule of when and how activities will be carried out in primary schools. The first to visit their schools will be eight.

– The first week of June is when the eights arrive. His arrival, to put it bluntly, will be atypical. They start with the fact that on June 1, when they bring school books, photos and everything that is a prerequisite for a small graduation. On June 1 and the next day, all the time, there will be shifts in classes and small groups, no more than 9 students in the classroom. Before graduation, they will be given tests that will also be test and will not be graded. They will be more like the tasks of the small official graduation exam and will have the opportunity to check your knowledge once again, but they will also slowly prepare for the exam, says the minister.

He specifies that on June 1, the eight will be given two tests: maternal and combined.

– They will take it home and solve it. The next day, June 2, they will get the math they will solve at school, to get used to the classroom atmosphere, but they will also see practically how everything will be when they have the official exam. Simply, feel the nature of the test that is before them, explains the Minister.

He adds that the small graduation exam online essay was for students to assess for themselves how much they knew. These questions were of the closed type: to surround yourself, choose the answer offered. This test will be a more serious knowledge test because the tasks will be open-ended, just like the questions on the official exam.

“Be relaxed”

– We try to make children see everything on time and relax. And come to the classroom and what the homework will actually be. I tell children and parents to relax, that no one will be in the lurch, says the minister.

Mladen Šarčević Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia
Mladen Šarčević

As Šarčević adds, these mock tests have already been sent to schools. During the epidemic and state of emergency, actual tests and backups were conducted.

Appearance of the test itself: no possibility of transcription

– The final test will be carried out in the classroom, in turns, a very small number of children at the same time, each one will be four square meters, which is in line with epidemiological measures. There will be controllers and teachers. And what I have to say, there will be no possibility of copying, says the minister.

However, the Minister points out that the tests will not be too easy, but not too difficult either, and that the period behind us was taken into account when compiling the questions.

Days to correct notes

On the calendar programmed by the new Rulebook, June 3, 4 and 5 will be days for the eight who have not completed the qualifications or want to improve.

– They have three days to come at the invitation of the teacher at different times to finalize their grades. Starting Saturday June 6, the preparatory classes will begin, which by law last 10 days. Then 17, 18 and 19 is a small graduation. Everything ends according to the previously planned plan, but also before the elections, says the minister.

Preparatory classes

Šarčević notes that it has been arranged for eighth graders to have preparatory classes and will be offered online and in schools in small groups.

– The utmost has been done to make children fulfill their obligations as easily as possible and they will get everything that both the law and pedagogy require, Šarčević says.

The second week of June for Fridays 6 and 7

Completion of grades and correction if students want or if parents consider it necessary will be different from first to eighth grade. The second week of June, and when all eight finish part of their preparations for the small graduation exam, it will be for Fridays, sixths and sevenths.

– There will be eight days of instruction to improve and complete grades where it could not be done remotely, or students think they can improve, or parents insist. Virtually all students will have the opportunity to fix everything they want from day one, says the minister.

In the last period, before the activity schedule was made, Šarčević and his team conducted a survey in schools. Based on the results of the questionnaire, at most about 25 percent of students in fifth through eighth grade will either want to improve their grades or faculty will have to answer questions during grades.

Students from first to fourth will not have to come

– The youngest from the first to the fourth will not have to come. They and the teachers address each other. Teachers know their children and, as things stand now, there should be no unforeseen circumstances when it comes to grades, says the minister.

Weeks for Gifted Students

The second week of June is scheduled to take the gifted test and it is estimated that around 8,000 students will take it.

– A schedule was carried out in which there was a limited period of time, so that all aspects of safety for students and teachers would be satisfied. The tests for 66,000 students will be reviewed using software, which will prevent any action that helps some and makes it difficult for others, says the Minister of Education.

He adds that the state did serious work during the pandemic, and the forms, teaching, and assessments that were yet to come during education reform were virtually tested.

Starting June 1, activities will also begin in high schools.

Beginning June 1, activities will begin in high schools, from correcting and completing grades in the first days of June to graduation from high school, which will last three days from June 4-6. Only high school graduates come to school on June 1, 2, and 3, and those are the days to finish grades, says the minister.

Graduates who have completed all their obligations have an important date: June 24, when they apply for the desired faculty.

Younger 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade high school students can improve their grades when high school graduates “drop out” of school.

– They will have two weeks if they want to improve their qualifications, from June 8 – says the minister.

Notification activation paragraph test

