Mr. Šarčević, I cannot address you as a minister, because you have not done so for months, nor can I connect you with education, because what you have made of it would not be made by someone extremely uneducated.

During these four years, we educators have unfortunately had the opportunity to get to know you more than we wanted through your countless, pointless and useless letters. And the conclusion is more or less the same for all of us: “Whoever knew you, hell will not dislike him.”
And so that we don’t miss hell even when you finally leave, you took care of all this summer of the confusion and conflict that you have relentlessly sown between educators and parents in the last few months before the new school year.
Ignoring our cries, the demands of the unions, the catastrophic experiences with the virus after the opening of schools in much more developed countries, you arrogantly, completely unprepared, pushed us into the classrooms, just to show the success of the criminal cartel progressive.
And while those who hired you as a guard at the educational camp, were showing off money everywhere, even raising your ex-partner an astronomical 1,600,000 euros for an electronic newspaper, you regretted that the state does not have money to provide masks to students.
By that, do you mean the same country where parents who lose their job en masse but buy masks from their modest savings for their children live, so that their boss has 3000 loaves of bread in his slippers and even more in his pocket?
He dedicated at least a few words to them, as he spoke of his imaginary successes “in the small intestine.” About us educators, not so much!
Until almost the last day, I did not remember that among 100,000 employees in education, many of us have chronic and serious diseases. I did not even remember that perhaps we, who will be exposed to the maximum in the next few days, have relatives with chronic and serious diseases in our homes, who can also suffer due to our exposure.
And instead of regulating this issue during the summer, so that those who belong to the vulnerable group work exclusively online, they did not even publish the Rulebook announced in time, necessary to plan the next school year!
As for us, we are used to – if you remember us, remember – the educated sheep that are silent and soften with joy at each letter of their eternally hardened shepherd, they deserve nothing better.
But our children, those who do not go to their private schools, deserve much more than the empty pre-election Nazi propaganda slogan “For Our Children” of the 1930s.
They deserve free masks and visors.
They deserve free paper and electronic textbooks.
They deserve the conditions for a quality education, at least somewhat similar to those of their private schools.
They deserve a country where their education is valued, not a party flyer.
They deserve the land they will build as their home, and they will not be ashamed of it or flee from it.
In these four years you have shown that you do not even understand that in all developed countries, education is the basis of their spiritual and economic development and well-being.
But understanding was not even expected of you. She was expected to nod her head, keep upbringing submissive, and not allow citizens to be too polite, to endure her slavery as peacefully as possible, rejoice in her prison, and yell at the jailer.
As a token of gratitude for all their great care “for our children”, their parents and teachers, we educators, who did not put a mark of obedience to the “advanced” madness, we promise many years of make-up exams to all people ( go) responsible for whom some of us will suffer, which is a much greater mercy than you gave us, this kind of crisis management.
The author is an English teacher at the “Mihajlo Pupin” gym in Kovacica and a member of the Vojvodina Independent Teachers Union.
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